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English-German translation for: twin
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Dictionary English German: twin

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NOUN   a twin | twins
VERB  to twin | twinned | twinned ... 
SYNO   Twin | Twin Falls | Gemini ... 
twin {adj}
twin {adj}
twin {adj}
twin {adj} [attr.] [forming a pair]
Zwilling {m}
2 Words: Others
tech. twin-channel {adj} [attr.]Zweikanal-
tech. twin-channel {adj} [attr.]Twin-Kanal-
tech. twin-cylinder {adj}zweizylindrig
aviat. twin-engine {adj} [jet aircraft]zweistrahlig
twin-engined {adj}zweimotorig
aviat. twin-engined {adj} [jet aircraft]zweistrahlig
archi. constr. twin-storey {adj} [Br.]doppelstöckig
archi. constr. twin-story {adj} [Am.]doppelstöckig
twin-towered {adj}zweitürmig
2 Words: Nouns
co-twinMitzwilling {m}
co-twinZwillingspartner {m}
comp. tech. digital twindigitaler Zwilling {m}
fraternal twin [male or female]zweieiiger Zwilling {m}
name twinNamensvetter {m}
med. parasitic twinparasitärer Zwilling {m}
mineral. penetrating twin [crystallography]Durchdringungszwilling {m} [Kristallographie]
math. prime twinPrimzahlzwilling {m}
Siamese twinsiamesischer Zwilling {m}
astron. solar twinSonnenzwilling {m}
archi. twin archZwillingsbogen {m}
twin attackDoppelanschlag {m}
twin attacks {pl}Doppelanschlag {m}
automot. tech. twin axleDoppelachse {f}
twin babiesZwillingsbabys {pl}
twin beadDoppelkernwulst {f}
furn. twin bed [double bed]Doppelbett {n}
furn. twin bed [one of a pair of single beds]Einzelbett {n} [eines von zwei gleichen, getrennt stehenden Betten]
twin beds [two single beds in one room]zwei Einzelbetten {pl}
twin birthZwillingsgeburt {f}
material twin boundaryZwillingsgrenze {f}
twin bridgesZwillingsbrücken {pl}
twin brotherZwillingsbruder {m}
twin brothersZwillingsbrüder {pl}
naut. twin cabinDoppelkammer {f}
electr. twin cableZwillingskabel {n}
tech. twin castorDoppellenkrolle {f} [als Laufrolle]
twin citiesZwillingsstädte {pl}
geogr. twin cities [Am.][Nachbarstädte, die nach und nach zusammengewachsen sind]
geogr. twin cityNachbarstadt {f} [Teil einer Städtegemeinschaft]
geogr. twin cityZwillingsstadt {f}
twin city [Br.]Partnerstadt {f}
twin city [neighbouring cities]Doppelstadt {f}
geol. twin craterZwillingskrater {m}
twin daughtersZwillingstöchter {pl}
twin driveDoppellaufwerk {n}
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Q 2018-02-02: Double x Twin use room?
A 2017-01-31: also: gemini - Sternbild Zwilling , twin - gleichzeitig geborene Geschwister
A 2017-01-31: gemini - astronomischer / astrologischer Begriff , twin - biologischer ...
Q 2017-01-31: Unterschied zwischen gemini und twin
A 2016-03-29: twin boiler
A 2015-08-06: Das Noun "Doppelzug" haben wir als "twin pulley" drin. Vielleicht hilft da...
A 2014-01-22: Furthermore: twin pushchair
A 2012-06-21: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bahco-Twin-Professional-Utility-Organiser-PTB102...
Q 2012-06-21: Artikelliste mit Werkzeugen usw., Abgabe morgen 11 Uhr "Twin Professional ...
A 2011-07-21: Caterpillar HP Twin
Q 2011-07-21: twin 1,015 hp C18’s
Q 2011-07-21: twin props
Q 2011-04-07: single bearings/twin bearings
Q 2011-04-06: (twin) point flashes?
A 2011-01-31: Twin-screw
A 2010-11-13: twin level parking, stacked parking
A 2010-01-05: Aber Twins lassen sich doch normalerweise zusammenschieben? "Twin as double"
A 2010-01-05: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=hotel+booking+double+bed+...
Q 2009-05-14: twin bedrrom double bedroom
A 2008-10-27: Planning, organisation and promotion focusing on individual twin town projects

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