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English-German translation for: two-point
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Dictionary English German: two point

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ADJ   two-point | - | -
QM two-point estimation (method) <2-point estimation (method), TPE, T-PE>Zwei-Zeiten-Methode {f} [Best Case, Worst Case]
two-point {adj} [attr.]Zweipunkt-
two-point contactZweipunktkontakt {m}
aviat. two-point landingZweipunktlandung {f}
QM tech. two-point calibrationZweipunktkalibrierung {f} [auch: Zwei-Punkt-Kalibrierung]
a point or twoein, zwei Dinge {pl} [Punkte]
with an accuracy of two digits after the decimal pointmit einer Genauigkeit von zwei Stellen hinter dem Komma
Partial Matches
entom. T
mus. two-two meter [Am.]Zweihalbetakt {m}
mus. two-two metre [Br.]Zweihalbetakt {m}
MedTech. point-by-point exposure of datapunktweises Aufbelichten {n} von Daten
point-by-point comparisonpunktgenauer Vergleich {m}
games two-up [Aus.] [NZ]Two-up {n} [Version des Münzenwerfens; Casino-Spiel]
mus. two-two timeZweihalbetakt {m}
math. stat. two-way analysis of variance <two-way ANOVA>zweifache Varianzanalyse {f}
equest. point-to-pointQuerfeldeinrennen {n} [Pferderennen]
equest. point-to-point [steeplechase]Steeplechase {f}
point-to-point connectionPunktverbindung {f}
point-to-point connectionStandverbindung {f}
point-to-point connectionZweipunktverbindung {f}
telecom. point-to-point technologyRichtfunktechnik {f}
hist. relig. two-kingdoms / two kingdoms doctrineZwei-Reiche-Lehre {f}
hist. relig. two-natures / two natures doctrineZwei-Naturen-Lehre {f}
film F Point Blank [John Boorman]Point Blank [auch: Point Blank - Keiner darf überleben]
cloth. point heel [seamed nylons]Point Heel {m} [Point-Heel-Hochferse bei Nahtnylons]
QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)>Drei-Zeiten-Methode {f}
electr. third order input intercept point <IIP3>Eingangs-Intercept-Point {m} dritter Ordnung
zool. point catPoint-Katze {f}
sports point shaving [match fixing]Point-Shaving {n} [Punktmanipulation] [Wettbetrug]
comp. tech. telecom. point-to-point communicationPunkt-zu-Punkt-Kommunikation {f}
point-to-point connectionPunkt-zu-Punkt-Anschluss {m}
math. phys. point-to-point distancesPunkt-zu-Punkt-Abstände {pl}
comp. telecom. point-to-point operationPunkt-zu-Punkt-Betrieb {m}
comp. telecom. point-to-point servicePunkt-zu-Punkt-Betrieb {m}
film F Bravo Two Zero [Tom Clegg]Bravo Two ZeroHinter feindlichen Linien
ecol. pol. designed focal point <DFP> [Kyoto Protocol]Designated Focal Point {m} [für die Genehmigung von JI-Projekten zuständige nationale Behörde] [Kyoto-Protokoll]
hist. relig. two-natures / two natures doctrineZweinaturenlehre {f}
point-to-point {adj} [attr.]Punkt-zu-Punkt-
electr. output intercept point <OIP>Ausgangs-Intercept-Point {m}
point-to-pointPunkt-zu-Punkt-Anschluss {m}
art dry point / dry-point [etching]Kaltnadel-Radierung {f}
QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)>Dreipunktschätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung>
market. pain point [problem of a customer, employee, etc. that motivates them to take action]Pain Point {m} [Problem von Kunden, Beschäftigten usw., das diese zum Handeln motiviert]
electr. second order intercept point <IP2>Intercept-Point {m} zweiter Ordnung <IP2>
sociol. spec. tipping-pointTipping-Point {m} [Umkipp-Punkt]
geogr. Hut Point PeninsulaHut-Point-Halbinsel {f}
film F Zabriskie Point [Michelangelo Antonioni]Zabriskie Point
two-on-two situationZwei-gegen-zwei-Situation {f}
mus. Two StepTwo Step {m} [Paartanz]
comp. tech. point-to-point servicePunkt-zu-Punkt-Service {m}
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A 2016-03-30: Two points
A 2014-04-22: Two points at issue in this thread
A 2012-07-14: "Two point me" (2.0 me) is social media.
Q 2012-07-14: two point me
A 2010-07-12: Two points:
A 2010-06-24: No longer able to do EN > DE, but two pointers.
Q 2007-05-19: two point bonded
A 2006-08-04: Two points .....

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