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English-German translation for: tyre
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Dictionary English German: tyre

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NOUN   a tyre | tyres
SYNO   tire | tyre | Sur | Tyre
tyre [Br.]
Reifen {m} [an Rädern]
automot. tyre [Br.] [air-filled]
Pneu {m} [bes. schweiz.]
Türe {f} [regional für: Tür]
bibl. geogr. hist. TyreTyros {n}
bibl. geogr. TyreTyrus {n}
geogr. Tyre [Lebanon]Sur {n} [Stadt an der Stelle des antiken Handelszentrums Tyros]
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. aeroplane tyre [Br.]Flugzeugreifen {m}
agricultural tyre [Br.]Landwirtschaftsreifen {m}
air tyre [Br.]Luftreifen {m}
aviat. aircraft tyre [Br.]Flugzeugreifen {m}
automot. back tyre [Br.]Hinterreifen {m}
bald tyre [Br.]abgefahrener Reifen {m}
balloon tyre [Br.]Ballonreifen {m}
belted tyre [Br.]Gürtelreifen {m}
bike bicycle tyre [Br.]Fahrradmantel {m}
bike bicycle tyre [Br.]Fahrradpneu {m} [auch: Fahrrad-Pneu]
bike bicycle tyre [Br.]Fahrradreifen {m}
bike bicycle tyre [Br.]Velopneu {m} [schweiz.]
bike bicycle tyre [Br.]Veloreifen {m} [schweiz.]
burst tyre [Br.]Reifenplatzer {m}
burst tyre [Br.]geplatzter Reifen {m}
automot. car tyre [Br.]Autoreifen {m}
car tyre [Br.]Pkw-Reifen {m}
bike tech. clincher tyre [Br.]Drahtreifen {m}
compactor tyre [Br.]Walzenreifen {m}
cushion-tyre [Br.]Hochelastikreifen {m}
bike cycle tyre [Br.]Fahrradreifen {m}
diagonal tyre [Br.] [cross-ply]Diagonalreifen {m}
downgraded tyre [Br.]abgewerteter Reifen {m}
earthmover tyre [Br.]Erdbewegungsreifen {m}
farm tyre [Br.]Landwirtschaftsreifen {m}
faulty tyre [Br.]Reifenschaden {m}
automot. bike flat tyre [Br.]Platten {m} [ugs.] [selten im Nom.]
flat tyre [Br.]Plattfuß {m} [ugs.] [Reifenpanne]
flat tyre [Br.]Reifenpanne {f}
automot. bike flat tyre [Br.]platter Reifen {m}
bike folding tyre [Br.]Faltreifen {m}
front tyre [Br.]Vorderreifen {m}
giant tyre [Br.]Lastwagenreifen {m}
green tyre [Br.]Reifenrohling {m}
green tyre [Br.]unvulkanisierter Reifen {m}
grooved tyre [Br.]Profilreifen {m}
grown tyre [Br.]gewachsener Reifen {m}
implement tyre [Br.]Reifen {m} für landwirtschaftliche Geräte
industrial tyre [Br.]Industriereifen {m}
logging tyre [Br.]Forstreifen {m}
tech. lugged tyre [Br.]Stollenreifen {m}
moped tyre [Br.]Mopedreifen {m}
motorcycle tyre [Br.]Motorradreifen {m}
bike mud tyre [Br.]Schlammreifen {m}
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A 2014-11-28: This isn't a spare tyre. These are love handles.
A 2013-05-19: The patch is on the tube rather than the tyre
A 2012-11-16: Perhaps "little spare tyre"
A 2010-08-20: tyre print > Bremsspur (AE: skid mark)
A 2010-08-20: Ist tyre print wirklich Reifendruck?
A 2010-01-27: Aber +Radwechsel+ ist doch nicht spezifisch +tyre / tire rotation?+
A 2010-01-12: UK spelling: tyre kicker http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tyre_kicker
A 2009-04-04: or "tyre" if it has to be BE
A 2009-03-03: Skid mark is fine (although it does have other connotations) or tyre mark ...
A 2008-12-29: +tyre stabbing+ crops up much more rarely
A 2008-12-28: BE: tyre
A 2008-09-02: oder: tyre-saving, light on the tyres
A 2008-09-02: tyre-friendly
A 2008-09-02: tyre gentle ??
A 2008-04-29: "truck tire washing apparatus" googles - American spelling of "tyre"
A 2008-03-02: tyre store/depot/warehouse
A 2008-03-01: second thoughts: "tyre bead support" ?
A 2006-11-27: @MT: Was it 'tyre-tenderised' first?
A 2006-10-16: ? "spare tyre" (humorously for deposits of fat around one's belly)
Q 2006-05-14: space-saver spare tyre

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