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English-German translation for: u.a.
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Dictionary English German: u a

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NOUN   a U | Us
to hang a U [coll.] [Am.]umkehren [eine 180°-Wendung machen]
law United States Code Annotated <U.S.C.A.>[kommentierte amtliche Sammlung der amerikanischen Bundesgesetze]
et al.und andere <u. a.> [z. B. Personen]
and othersund anderes <u. a.>
and othersund andre <u. a.> [selten] [und andere]
Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.>unserer Zeitrechnung <u. Z.>
including [inter alia]unter anderem <u. a.>
among others {adv}unter anderem <u. a.>
inter alia {adv} <i. a.>unter anderem <u. a.>
among other things {adv}unter anderem <u. a.>
amongst other things [esp. Br.]unter anderem <u. a.>
astron. unit astronomical unit <AU, au, a.u., ua>astronomische Einheit {f} [auch: Astronomische Einheit] <AE, AU>
phys. unit arbitrary unit <a.u.>willkürliche Einheit {f} <w. E.>
phys. unit arbitrary units <a.u.>willkürliche Einheiten {pl}
arranged in a horseshoe {adj} [postpos.]im U aufgestellt
Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.>nach unserer Zeitenwende <n. u. Z.>
med. without pathological findings <ua, u.a.>ohne pathologischen Befund <opB, o.p.B>
see also belowsiehe auch unten <s. a. u.>
and much elseund vieles andere <u. v. a.>
to make a U-turneine Kehrtwendung machen
to make a U-turnumkehren (um 180°)
hist. Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference]Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz]
répondez s'il vous plaît <RSVP, Rsvp> [please reply]um Antwort wird gebeten <u. A. w. g.>
and much elseund vieles andere mehr <u.v.a.m.>
to make a U-turn [fig.]die Richtung völlig ändern [fig.]
to hang a U-turneine 180°-Wendung machen [umkehren]
The government has done a U-turn over pensions.Die Rentenpolitik der Regierung hat sich um 180 Grad gedreht.
by order and for account of sb./sth. {adv}im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> [+Gen.]
by order and for account of sb./sth. {adv}im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> von jdm./etw.
law regarding the lawsuit of ... et al. v. ...in dem Rechtsstreit ... u. a. gegen ...
ecol. German Environmental Management Association <B.A.U.M.>Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis {m} für Umweltbewusstes Management <B.A.U.M.>
film F Invasion U.S.A. [Alfred E. Green]Invasion gegen USA
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A 2021-01-29: Preferably +contributing towards writing a book+ — which sounds a bit vagu...
Q 2020-08-26: You appear to be a registered user
A 2019-07-17: Thank you a lot for the helpful explanation, Proteus!
A 2019-07-15: Don't be silly, Zuchi1! The Bournemouth & Poole College offers courses in ...
A 2019-05-16: If you are using them as a person's name, then they are capitalised.
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A 2018-11-05: I agree that +I wish you a nice start to the week+ is grammatically correct,
A 2018-11-05: Thank you a lot!
A 2018-10-16: Have you learned a trade or profession? Have you acquired a professional t...
A 2018-10-15: I would suggest: Did you acquire a profession?
A 2018-08-28: You are a star! Danke !!
A 2018-07-26: The skin of a monkey, full of shit, that's what you are.
A 2018-03-14: Thanks you all for your replies, you were a great help.
A 2018-02-12: Well, if you are a mass murderer and have tied your victim to the bed, tha...
A 2018-01-27: Don't be silly, timfefe. You are obsessed with native speakerism, and yet ...
A 2018-01-04: Thank you a lot Proteus
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A 2017-02-10: You as a teenager?
A 2016-11-16: 15:20 — So what are your credentials, simonchik? Are you an author, a writ...

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