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English-German translation for: ultra short waves
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: ultra short waves

Translation 1 - 50 of 1749  >>

NOUN   an ultra short wave | ultra short waves
ultra short wavesUltrakurzwellen {pl}
RadioTV ultra short wavesUltrawellen {pl} [veraltet] [Ultrakurzwellen]
Partial Matches
ultra-short {adj}ultrakurz
ultra short wave <USW>Ultrakurzwelle {f} <UKW>
ultra-short wave <USW>Ultrakurzwelle {f} <UKW>
psych. ultra short-term memoryUltrakurzzeitgedächtnis {n}
psych. ultra short-term memoryUltrakurzzeitspeicher {m} <UZS>
med. ultra-short transtibial stumpultrakurzer Unterschenkelstumpf {m}
phys. telecom. extremely low frequency waves <ELF waves>ELF-Wellen {pl}
ultra short wave transmitter <USW transmitter, U.S.W. transmitter>Ultrakurzwellensender {m} <UKW-Sender>
ultra short wave transmitters <USW transmitters, U.S.W. transmitters>Ultrakurzwellensender {pl} <UKW-Sender>
comp. ultra high-definition {adj} <ultra HD, UHD>Ultra-HD- <UHD>
wavesWellen {pl}
wavesWogen {pl}
waves {pl}Wellengang {m}
in waves {adv}wellenförmig
phys. acoustic waves {pl}Hörschall {m} [Wellen im Hörbereich]
med. alpha wavesAlphawellen {pl}
blustering wavestosende Wogen {pl}
med. brain wavesHirnströme {pl}
continuous wavesungedämpfte Wellen {pl}
geol. phys. explosion wavesExplosionswellen {pl}
astron. phys. gravitational wavesGravitationswellen {pl}
astron. phys. gravity wavesGravitationswellen {pl}
meteo. heat wavesHitzewellen {pl}
meteo. naut. high waves {pl}hoher Wellengang {m}
phys. kilometric wavesKilometerwellen {pl}
light wavesLichtwellen {pl}
meter wavesMeterwellen {pl}
mountainous waves {pl}Wassergebirge {n}
cosmet. permanent wavesDauerwellen {pl}
radio wavesFunkwellen {pl}
electr. phys. telecom. radio wavesRadiowellen {pl}
radio wavesRundfunkwellen {pl}
geol. Rayleigh wavesRayleigh-Wellen {pl}
sea wavesMeereswellen {pl}
shock wavesStoßwellen {pl}
audio sound wavesSchallwellen {pl}
geol. hydro. spilling wavesSchwallbrecher {pl} [Brandung]
hydro. tidal wavesFlutwellen {pl}
travelling wavesWanderwellen {pl}
ultrasonic wavesUltraschallwellen {pl}
naut. sneaker waves [Am.]Sneaker-Wellen {pl}
amid the waves {adv}inmitten der Wellen
to attack in wavesin Wellen angreifen
to breast the wavesgegen die Wellen ankämpfen
to calm the wavesdie Wogen besänftigen
to calm the wavesdie Wogen glätten
to cleave the wavesdie Wellen zerteilen
idiom to make massive waveshohe Wellen schlagen
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