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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: umweltfreundliche Technik
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umweltfreundliche Technik in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: umweltfreundliche Technik

Translation 1 - 50 of 134  >>

ecol. tech. green technologyumweltfreundliche Technik {f}
Partial Matches
chem. mix-and-split techniqueMix-Split-Technik / Mix-and-Split-Technik {f} [«Mischen-und-Trennen-Technik»]
ecol. environmental-friendly environmentumweltfreundliche Umgebung {f}
ecol. to advocate using green productssich für umweltfreundliche Produkte einsetzen
tech. technics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [technology]Technik {f}
techniques {pl} [collectively]Technik {f}
tech. technology [application, skills]Technik {f}
sports tekkers {pl} [Br.] [coll.] [technique/skill in sport]Technik {f} [Sport]
spec. airbrush techniqueAirbrush-Technik {f}
med. Alexander techniqueAlexander-Technik {f}
biol. chem. tech. analytical techniqueanalytische Technik {f}
med. Ashby techniqueAshby-Technik {f}
phys. attenuated total reflectance (technique) <ATR, ATR technique>ATR-Technik {f}
dent. Bass methodBass-Technik {f}
MedTech. tech. imaging techniquebildgebende Technik {f}
acad. biotech. MedTech. biomedical engineeringbiomedizinische Technik {f}
comp. film RadioTV blue-screen compositingBluescreen-Technik {f}
phys. chemical shift selective saturation technique <CHESS technique>CHESS-Technik {f}
med. surgical techniquechirurgische Technik {f}
MedTech. surgical technologychirurgische Technik {f}
MedTech. cine techniqueCine-Technik {f}
tech. CNC technologyCNC-Technik {f}
crossfire techniqueCrossfire-Technik {f}
MedTech. delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage technique <dGEMRIC technique>dGEMRIC-Technik {f}
MedTech. Dixon techniqueDixon-Technik {f}
comp. electr. emitter-coupled logic technology <ECL-technology>ECL-Technik {f}
MedTech. echo-planar imaging technique <EPI technique>EPI-Technik {f}
MedTech. echo-planar imaging and signal targeting with alternating radio frequency technique <EPISTAR technique>EPISTAR-Technik {f}
med. fixator-assisted nailing <FAN> (technique)FAN-Technik {f}
med. fixator-assisted plating <FAP> (technique)FAP-Technik {f}
advanced technology <AT>fortgeschrittene Technik {f}
comp. film RadioTV green-screen compositing (technique)Greenscreen-Technik {f}
MedTech. half-Fourier single-shot turbo spine echo technique <HASTE technique>HASTE-Technik {f}
advanced technologyhochentwickelte Technik {f}
high technologyhochentwickelte Technik {f}
MedTech. isocentric techniqueisozentrische Technik {f}
phys. cryogenics [treated as sg.]Kryogen-Technik {f}
med. MedTech. Lauenstein techniqueLauenstein-Technik {f}
LED technologyLED-Technik {f}
engin. tech. mechanical engineeringmechanische Technik {f}
electr. microvia technologyMicrovia-Technik {f}
latest technologymodernste Technik {f}
tech. transp. travel navigation technologyNavigations-Technik {f}
tech. latest technologyneueste Technik {f}
tech. state-of-the-art technologyneueste Technik {f}
med. surgical techniqueoperative Technik {f}
mus. ostinato techniqueOstinato-Technik {f}
MedTech. rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement technique <RARE technique>RARE-Technik {f}
dent. SALSA techniqueSALSA-Technik {f}
med. squeeze methodSqueeze-Technik {f}
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Ähnliche Begriffe
umweltfreundlicher Sarg
• umweltfreundliche Technik
umweltfreundliche Umgebung
umweltfreundlich werden
umweltgefährdende Emissionen
umweltgefährdender Stoff

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