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English-German translation for: under
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Dictionary English German: under

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SYNO   below | under | nether
under {prep}
under {adv}
under {adv}
under {prep} [subject to]
gemäß [+Dat.]
under {adv}
tief [unter der Erde]
under {adv}
under {prep}
under- {prefix}
2 Words: Others
as underwie unter
just under ... {adv} [a quantity]knapp ... [fast] [Anzahl]
just under sb./sth. {adv}etwas unter jdm./etw.
putting underunterlegend
furn. roll-under {adj} [attr.]unterfahrbar
sb. puts underjd. unterlegt
snowed under {adj} {past-p}eingeschneit
snowed under {adj} {past-p}mit Schnee bedeckt
snowed under {adj} {past-p}von Schnee zugedeckt
under age {adj} [postpos.]unmündig
under age {adj} [postpos.]minderjährig
med. VetMed. under anaesthesia {adj} {adv} [Br.] [postpos.]narkotisiert
under arms {adj} [postpos.]kampfbereit
under canvas {adv} [in a tent]im Zelt
under canvas {adv} [sails]unter Segel
under compulsion {adj} {adv}gezwungen
under compulsion {adv}zwangsweise
under compulsion {adv}unter Druck [unter Zwang]
under constraint {adj} {adv}erzwungen
under constraint {adv}unter Zwang
constr. under construction {adv}im Bau
under contract {adv}unter Vertrag
under contract {adj} [postpos.]vertraglich verpflichtet
under control {adv}unter Kontrolle
under cover {adv}in Deckung
naut. under deck {adv}unter Deck
under development {adj}im Aufbau
law under disability {adj} [postpos.]entmündigt
under duress {adv}erzwungenermaßen
under duress {adv}aus Zwang
under duress {adv}unter Zwang
under fire {adv} [also fig.: being rigorously criticized]unter Beschuss [auch fig.: heftig kritisiert]
MedTech. under fluoroscopy {adv} [monitored by fluoroscopy]unter Bildwandlerkontrolle [selten für: unter Durchleuchtungskontrolle]
under glass {adv}unter Glas
under guard {adv}unter Bewachung
under here {adv}hierunter [unter dieser Stelle]
acc. under IFRS {adv}nach IFRS
under incorporation {adv}in Gründung <i. G.>
under investigation {adv}unter Überprüfung
under irrigation {adv}unter Bewässerung
under it {adv}darunter
under oath {adv}unter Eid
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Q 2024-11-15: Odd set of translations under "Spielfeld"
Q 2023-09-22: matter under consideration
A 2023-04-16: Doch, listed as an alternative spelling under the Cambridge link
A 2023-01-24: 1984 Merriam-Webster's Synonyms, listed under synonyms for (2) 'Form.'
A 2022-10-09: Quote from the paper I cited under 17:15. It amply clarifies the meaning o...
A 2022-02-21: The philosopher under the comedians
Q 2021-12-13: under/over high risk charge
A 2021-10-28: Undercut means it's cut under the bust:
A 2021-10-12: employee under a collective bargaining agreement
A 2020-12-21: best fitness tracker under 2000
A 2020-07-30: working "under half steam" ?
A 2020-06-18: untergründig ≈ under-the-surface [fig.]
A 2020-03-08: Nota bene — The quote given at 22:33 is to be found under Footnote 14 on p...
Q 2019-12-07: usage of "under" and "below"
A 2019-07-12: The above also falls under the heading +Chat.+
Q 2019-04-29: to work under a work for hire
A 2019-04-16: That does not matter. Fact is that some people may find natural beauty fe...
Q 2019-03-20: released under investigation
Q 2019-01-30: has not laid me...under that load of personal obligation, that I am at all...
A 2018-11-25: They shall be put under the obligation to delete the files after execution...

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