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Dictionary English German: underground

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ADJ   underground | more underground | most underground
NOUN   an underground | undergrounds
SYNO   resistance | underground | belowground ... 
underground {adj} {adv}
underground {adj} [cable, wire, conduit, etc.]
underground {adj}
underground {adj} [fig.]
Untergrund- [fig.]
constr. mining underground {adj}
constr. underground {adj}unter Erdgleiche
underground {adj} {adv}unter Tage
underground {adj} {adv}unter der Erde [nachgestellt]
constr. to underground sth.etw.Akk. unter die Erde verlegen
rail underground [Br.]
Untergrundbahn {f}
underground [also political]
Untergrund {m} [auch politisch]
rail underground [Br.]U {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [bes. Wien]
rail underground [Br.]U-Bahn {f}
2 Words: Others
rail by underground {adv} [Br.]mit der U-Bahn
gone underground {adj} {past-p} [fig.]untergetaucht [verschwunden, versteckt]
2 Words: Verbs
to drive sth./sb. undergroundetw./jdn. in den Untergrund treiben
to go underground [fig.]untertauchen [verschwinden]
to go underground [fig.]in den Untergrund gehen [fig.]
geol. mining to survive undergroundunter Tage überleben
jobs mining to work undergroundunter Tage arbeiten
2 Words: Nouns
constr. underground bunkerUntergrundbunker {m}
underground bunkerunterirdischer Bunker {m}
underground cableErdkabel {n}
underground cableerdverlegtes Kabel {n}
tech. underground cablingErdverkabelung {f}
underground carparkTiefgarage {f}
constr. underground chamberunterirdische Kammer {f}
underground chamberunterirdischer Raum {m}
relig. underground churchUntergrundkirche {f} [Kirche im Untergrund]
relig. underground church [fig.]Kirche {f} im Untergrund [fig.]
underground cityUntergrundstadt {f}
electr. underground collectorUnterflurstromabnehmer {m}
constr. mining underground constructionUntertagbau {m} [schweiz.] [Untertagebau]
underground depotUntertagedeponie {f} [für Sondermüll]
econ. underground economySchattenwirtschaft {f}
econ. underground economySchwarzwirtschaft {f}
econ. underground economyUntergrundwirtschaft {f}
geol. weapons underground explosionunterirdische Explosion {f}
film underground filmUndergroundfilm {m}
geol. hydro. underground flowUntergrundströmung {f}
tech. underground furnaceUnterflurofen {m}
underground garageTiefgarage {f}
underground gasificationUntertagevergasung {f}
underground leachingUntertagelaugung {f}
rail underground line [Br.]U-Bahn-Linie {f}
mining underground mineTiefbaugrube {f}
mining underground miningTiefbau {m} [Untertagebergbau]
mining underground miningUntertagebau {m}
mining underground miningUntertagebergbau {m}
mining underground mining(unterirdischer) Grubenbetrieb {m}
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Q 2023-03-22: overground/underground floors
A 2016-09-08: +drain pipes+ may be +low-slung+ but I cannot see underground +sewers+ of ...
A 2014-09-27: Also, depending on the style, underground may be etter than subterranean,
A 2014-03-21: +Mind the gap (please)+ is what is said on the London Underground.
A 2012-07-04: I'd take the underground to [destination].
A 2011-02-15: underground or subterranean space/shops/parking, etc.,
A 2011-02-15: (underground) market cellar LINX
A 2010-06-19: the energy of the flowing underground streams
Q 2010-06-19: the energy of the flowing underground streams vibrating through the rod at...
Q 2009-09-20: on the underground
A 2009-04-27: through the roff n underground
A 2009-04-21: Kellerkind = a child living in a miserable underground hovel = (today) a d...
A 2008-10-10: or "parking space in underground car park"
A 2008-10-10: underground car park (space)
A 2008-09-28: yes, laying underground pipes
Q 2008-08-18: The symbol of mountains falling indicate a movement from air to ground to...
A 2008-06-25: In Britain, it's a multi-storey or underground car park.
A 2008-06-15: and where are those wonderful rotating platform underground garages then?
A 2008-02-04: An underground car park makes up part of the building
A 2008-01-06: people can't be bothered to take the underground

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