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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: understands
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Dictionary English German: understands

Translation 1 - 4 of 4

English German
VERB  to understand | understood | understood
understanding | understands
sb. understands
jd. versteht
sb. understands
jd. begreift
She understands children. [idiom]Sie kann (gut) mit Kindern umgehen. [Redewendung]
proverb An old fox understands a trap. [rare] [idiom]Alte Füchse gehen schwer in die Falle. [Redewendung]
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A 2020-02-15: @ hausamsee & MichaelK: Thanks for the valuable hints concerning what Lage...
Q 2012-10-20: I am the only one who understands what is going on.
A 2012-09-14: Everyone has that one friend that never gets [/understands] anyting.
A 2012-06-12: Who understands this
A 2011-08-22: Another argument: Everybody intuitively understands +After the game is bef...
A 2011-02-07: Do you take it to mean a man who can talk to women like other women, a man...
A 2009-12-08: OMG, this is so .......and to think, that you weren't able to communicate ...
A 2009-04-28: There's no point in making up new things if nobody understands them .....
A 2009-04-21: that's an English language slogan that is used in Germany but no German ac...
A 2009-02-02: Yeah... I made one more joke. Seems nobody understands my jokes.
A 2008-08-21: if you want to make sure that really everybody understands it, just write ...
A 2008-06-25: oh P81 understands... :-)
A 2008-05-12: One understands under equality: comprehensible if translated verbatim into...
A 2007-09-26: Is participation part of how Finland understands democracy?
A 2007-06-10: Wuffke, schau auch nochmal weiter unten zu 'understands' ...
A 2007-06-10: xxx understands that
Q 2007-06-10: understands
A 2006-10-03: "A man wh understands women" = a mythical creature
A 2006-06-20: Sorry, but first no-one understands your inquiry and then you will certain...
A 2005-12-13: as alia understands and translates it, I'd say it sounds correct.

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