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English-German translation for: unexpected
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Dictionary English German: unexpected

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
ADJ   unexpected | more unexpected | most unexpected
unexpected {adj}
unexpected {adj}
unexpected {adj}
unexpected {adj}
unexpected {adj}
unexpected {adj}
unexpected {adj} [visitor]
unangemeldet [Besucher]
the unexpecteddas Unerwartete {n}
2 Words: Others
entirely unexpected {adj}gänzlich unvermutet
more unexpected {adj}unerwarteter
most unexpected {adj}unerwartetste
2 Words: Nouns
unexpected effectsunerwartete Auswirkungen {pl}
unexpected fluctuationsunerwartete Schwankungen {pl}
unexpected interruptionunerwartete Unterbrechung {f}
unexpected lossunerwarteter Verlust {m}
unexpected occurrenceunerwartetes Ereignis {n}
unexpected outcomeunerwartetes Ergebnis {n}
unexpected profitunerwarteter Gewinn {m}
unexpected resultunerwartetes Ergebnis {n}
unexpected successÜberraschungserfolg {m}
unexpected visitunerwarteter Besuch {m}
3 Words: Nouns
something totally unexpectedeine faustdicke Überraschung {f}
4 Words: Others
proverb Always expect the unexpected.Unverhofft kommt oft.
4 Words: Verbs
to get an unexpected promotiondie Treppe hinauffallen [ugs.]
to take an unexpected turneine unerwartete Wendung nehmen
4 Words: Nouns
med. pharm. unexpected adverse drug reaction <unexpected ADR>unerwartete unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkung {f} <unerwartete UAW>
unexpected end of fileunerwartetes Dateiende {n}
5+ Words: Others
Now, this is an unexpected pleasure.Also, das nenn ich mal 'ne Überraschung. [ugs.]
Now, this is an unexpected pleasure.Das ist ja eine unerwartete Freude!
5+ Words: Nouns
pharm. suspected unexpected serious adverse drug reaction <SUSAR>Verdachtsfall {m} einer schwerwiegenden unerwarteten unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkung
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey [Peter Jackson]Der HobbitEine unerwartete Reise
lit. F The Unexpected American [Ann Hulme]Zauberhafte Harriet
lit. F The Unexpected Guest [Agatha Christie and Charles Osborne]Ein unerwarteter Gast
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A 2020-08-25: nicht zweckgerichtet einsetzen - to use in a fanciful / unpredicted / unex...
A 2020-05-28: unexpected added pleasure / unexpected joy
A 2017-11-08: dann verwende unpredictable, capricious, unexpected, etc.
A 2016-04-01: I wouln't use a strenghener. "Kapriolen" is often associated with the weat...
A 2013-02-03: The Hobbit - An unexpected journey (movie)
Q 2013-02-02: The Hobbit - An unexpected journey
Q 2012-03-18: to learn by experiment; he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours
A 2011-10-28: discrepancy: What's essential is an element of something unexpected or an error
A 2011-02-19: In AE sailor's jargon, a "gale" often means a strong (and often unexpected...
A 2011-01-14: Interesting and unexpected meaning.
A 2011-01-13: D.h. +I'm just hoping for the best+ würde ich nur dann nehmen, wenn du nor...
A 2011-01-13: Perhaps: Fate is something I can't control, so expecting the unexpected I ...
A 2010-06-30: reoccur - sth. happens in an unexpected manner
A 2009-08-15: When late at night suddenly unexpected guests +are+ at one's / your doorstep
A 2009-08-06: unexpected turns
A 2009-05-14: "random" macht hier keinen Sinn. Vorschlag: The story took unexpected/surp...
A 2009-05-08: You got it. To do the unexpected, use surprising tactics. It need not be...
A 2009-03-03: There's a short story by Roald Dahl about this (in: 'Completely unexpected...
A 2008-12-05: ... reveals to unexpected spare rooms (reserve rooms) ?
A 2008-06-19: a sudden and unexpected instruction by the supervisory authorities

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unexpectedly (enough)

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