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English-German translation for: ungeschoren davonkommen
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Dictionary English German: ungeschoren davonkommen

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

VERB   ungeschoren davonkommen | kam ungeschoren davon/ungeschoren davonkam | ungeschoren davongekommen
SYNO   ungeschoren davonkommen ... 
to emerge unscathedungeschoren davonkommen
to escape unscathedungeschoren davonkommen
idiom to get away scot-free [coll.]ungeschoren davonkommen
to get off scot-free [coll.]ungeschoren davonkommen
Partial Matches
scot-free {adv}ungeschoren
unshorn {adj}ungeschoren
to leave sb./sth. unscathedjdn./etw. ungeschoren lassen
to get awaydavonkommen
to get offdavonkommen
escapeDavonkommen {n}
idiom to get off lightlybillig davonkommen
to have a lucky escapeglücklich davonkommen
to come off badlyschlecht davonkommen
to get off cheaply [idiom]glimpflich davonkommen [Redewendung]
to get off easy [coll.] [idiom]glimpflich davonkommen [Redewendung]
to get off lightly [idiom]glimpflich davonkommen [Redewendung]
to come off bestam besten davonkommen
to get away (as) clean as a whistleganz unbehelligt davonkommen
to get away with murdermit Mord davonkommen
med. to escape with bruisesmit Quetschungen davonkommen
to come off clearohne Schaden davonkommen
to get away with sth.mit etw.Dat. davonkommen
to get off with sth. [light punishment, minor injury]mit etw.Dat. davonkommen
idiom to dodge a / the bullet [Am.] [coll.]gerade nochmal (so) davonkommen
to escape with one's lifemit dem Leben davonkommen
to make it out alivemit dem Leben davonkommen
to escape with no more than a frightmit dem Schrecken davonkommen
to escape with no more than a scaremit dem Schrecken davonkommen
to have a narrow escapemit knapper Not davonkommen
to have a narrow squeak [Br.] [coll.]mit knapper Not davonkommen
to emerge unscathedohne einen Kratzer davonkommen
to escape unscathedohne einen Kratzer davonkommen
to get away with sth.mit etw.Dat. ungestraft davonkommen
to escape without a scratchmit heiler Haut davonkommen [fig.]
to emerge unscathedmit heiler Haut davonkommen [Redewendung]
to escape unscathedmit heiler Haut davonkommen [Redewendung]
to save one's skin [idiom]mit heiler Haut davonkommen [Redewendung]
to have a close shave [coll.] [idiom]noch einmal glimpflich davonkommen [Redewendung]
idiom to get off cheaplymit einem blauen Auge davonkommen
idiom to get off lightlymit einem blauen Auge davonkommen
to let sb. off with a finejdn. mit einer Geldstrafe davonkommen lassen
to get away with a black eye [idiom]mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen [Redewendung]
to get off with a slap on the wrist [idiom]mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen [Redewendung]
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