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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: universeller Standard-IC
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universeller Standard-IC in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: universeller Standard IC

Translation 1 - 50 of 103  >>

electr. general-purpose standard ICuniverseller Standard-IC {m}
Partial Matches
math. universal functoruniverseller Funktor {m}
math. universal coefficient theoremuniverseller Koeffizientensatz {m}
math. universal morphismuniverseller Morphismus {m}
comp. universal serial bus <USB>universeller serieller Bus {m} [selten] <USB>
electr. integrated circuit socket <IC socket>IC-Fassung {f}
med. interstitial cystitis <IC>interstitielle Cystitis {f} <IC>
electr. integrated circuit <IC>integrierte Schaltung {f} <IS, IC>
electr. integrated circuit <IC>integrierter Schaltkreis {m} <IS, IC>
ling. immediate constituent analysis <IC analysis, ICA>IC-Analyse {f} <ICA> [auch: Konstituentenanalyse]
electr. integrated circuit socket <IC socket>IC-Sockel {m} [ugs.] [IC-Fassung]
med. intracytoplasmic sperm injection <IC SI, ICSI>intracytoplasmatische Spermainjektion {f} <IC SI, ICSI>
med. intracytoplasmic sperm injection <IC SI, ICSI>intracytoplasmatische Spermieninjektion {f} <IC SI, ICSI>
med. intracytoplasmic sperm injection <IC SI, ICSI>intrazytoplasmatische Spermainjektion {f} <IC SI, ICSI>
preset {adj}Standard-
stock {adj}Standard-
defaultStandard {m}
normStandard {m}
standardStandard {m}
auditory standardakustischer Standard {m}
received standardakzeptierter Standard {m}
MedTech. DICOM standardDICOM-Standard {m}
econ. Internet QM EDIFACT standard [Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce, and Transport]EDIFACT-Standard {m}
raised standarderhöhter Standard {m}
comp. floating-point standardFließkomma-Standard {m}
high standardhoher Standard {m}
higher standardhöherer Standard {m}
industrial standardindustrieller Standard {m}
law regulatory standardregulatorischer Standard {m}
standard applicationStandard-Anwendung {f}
comp. standard streamStandard-Datenstrom {m}
comp. default data directoryStandard-Datenverzeichnis {n}
standard drinkStandard-Drink {m}
standard configurationStandard-Konfiguration {f}
mil. weapons squad automatic weapon [standard machine gun for an infantry unit] <SAW>Standard-Maschinengewehr {n}
comp. ling. standard translation softwareStandard-Übersetzungssoftware {f}
comp. Unicode StandardUnicode-Standard {m}
temporary standardvorläufiger Standard {m}
temporary work valuevorläufiger Standard {m}
off-the-shelf {adj} [fig.] [solution etc.] [attr.]Standard- [-lösung etc.]
spec. international standard <IS>internationaler Standard {m} <IS>
med. stat. standard gamble <SG>Standard Gamble {n} <SG>
astron. standard solar model <SSM>Standard-Sonnenmodell {n} <SSM>
unit ton standard <ts>Standard-Tonne {f} <ts>
by British standards {adv}nach britischem Standard
close to the standard {adj}nahe am Standard
below standardunter dem Standard
to be up to pardem Standard entsprechen
to come up to standarddem Standard entsprechen
to conform to normal standardsdem Standard entsprechen
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