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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: universeller serieller Bus
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Dictionary English German: universeller serieller Bus

Translation 1 - 50 of 92  >>

comp. universal serial bus <USB>universeller serieller Bus {m} [selten] <USB>
Partial Matches
transp. low-entry bus <LE bus>Low-Entry-Bus {m} <LE-Bus> [Niederflurtechnik]
math. universal functoruniverseller Funktor {m}
math. universal coefficient theoremuniverseller Koeffizientensatz {m}
math. universal morphismuniverseller Morphismus {m}
electr. general-purpose standard ICuniverseller Standard-IC {m}
connection in seriesserieller Anschluss {m}
electr. serial portserieller Anschluss {m}
comp. electr. serial outputserieller Ausgang {m}
comp. serial printerserieller Drucker {m}
comp. serial inputserieller Eingang {m}
electr. series circuitserieller Stromkreis {m}
anat. biol. zool. anatomical dead space <ADS>serieller Totraum {m}
comp. transp. busBus {m}
traffic travel coach [Br.]Bus {m}
on the bus {adv}im Bus
comp. electr. bidirectional busbidirektionaler Bus {m}
transp. coach ticketBus-Fahrkarte {f}
electr. circuit cardBus-Leiterplatte {f}
comp. bus interfaceBus-Schnittstelle {f}
bus controllerBus-Steuerung {f}
comp. MedTech. bus topologyBus-Topologie {f}
electr. tech. bus cablingBus-Verkabelung {f}
automot. transp. electric busE-Bus {m}
transp. chartered busgemieteter Bus {m}
automot. transp. trolley-busO-Bus {m}
automot. transp. trolleybusO-Bus {m}
travel TrVocab. sightseeing busSightseeing-Bus {m}
film theatre F Bus Stop [play: William Inge, film: Joshua Logan]Bus Stop
automot. transp. electric bus [trolleybus]Oberleitungsbus {m} <O-Bus>
automot. transp. trackless trolley [esp. Am.]Oberleitungsbus {m} <O-Bus>
automot. transp. trolley busOberleitungsbus {m} <O-Bus>
automot. transp. trolley coach [Am.]Oberleitungsbus {m} <O-Bus>
automot. transp. trolleybusOberleitungsbus {m} <O-Bus>
comp. back side bus <BSB>Backside-Bus {m} <BSB>
comp. front side bus <FSB>Frontside-Bus {m} <FSB>
transp. by bus {adv}mit dem Bus
by road {adv} [by bus]mit dem Bus
to catch the busden Bus bekommen
to make the busden Bus bekommen
to take the busden Bus nehmen
transp. to miss the busden Bus verpassen
transp. to catch a buseinen Bus erreichen
transp. to charter a coacheinen Bus mieten
to run for the buszum Bus laufen
transp. to run for the buszum Bus rennen
IEC bus controlIEC-Bus-Steuerung {f}
comp. star-bus networkStern-Bus-Netz {n}
film F Mutiny on the Buses [Harry Booth]Meuterei im Bus
travel TrVocab. chartered busangemieteter Bus {m} [gecharterter Bus]
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