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English-German translation for: upwards
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Dictionary English German: upwards

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
SYNO   up | upward | upwards | upwardly
upwards {adv}
upwards {adv}
upwards {adv}
upwards {adv}
rauf [ugs.] [hinauf]
upwards {adv}
upwards {adv}aufhin [österr., bayer.] [hinauf]
upwards {adv}aufi [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [hinauf]
upwards {adv}hinan [dichter.]
upwards {adv}nach oben
2 Words: Others
math. concave upwards {adj}konvex
tending upwardssteigend
tending upwardsnach oben gerichtet
upwards compatible {adj}aufwärtskompatibel
upwards of {adv} [also esp. Am.: upward of] [more than]mehr als
2 Words: Verbs
to curl upwardssich emporkringeln
to curve upwardssich aufwärts krümmen
to edge upwardsleicht anziehen
to edge upwardsleicht aufrücken
to float upwardsemporschweben [geh.]
to lead upwardshinaufführen
to revise upwardsnach oben korrigieren
to rocket upwardsin die Höhe schießen
to slope upwardsansteigen
to spiral upwardssteigen
to spiral upwardssich in die Höhe schrauben
to splash upwardshochspritzen
to spray upwards [to splash upwards]hochspritzen
to strain upwardsunter Schwierigkeiten in die Höhe streben
to swing upwards [esp. gymnasts]emporschwingen [geh.] [bes. Turner]
to zoom upwardsin die Höhe schießen
2 Words: Nouns
trend upwardsAufwärtstrend {m}
upwards compatibilityAufwärtskompatibilität {f}
upwards tendencyAufwärtstrend {m}
upwards trendAufwärtstrend {m}
3 Words: Others
face up / upwards {adv}mit dem Gesicht nach oben
from ten upwards10 (Jahre) und älter
Onwards and upwards! [also: Onward and upward!] [encouragement]Immer vorwärts! [Aufforderung nach einer unangenehmen Erfahrung]
traffic Steep hill upwards [Br.] [traffic sign]Steigung [Verkehrszeichen]
upwards of 3000über 3000
3 Words: Verbs
to point upward / upwardsnach oben zeigen
to strive upward / upwards [to the light, the stars, etc.]emporstreben [zum Licht, zu den Sternen etc.]
3 Words: Nouns
accelerated upwards gainbeschleunigter Aufschwung {m}
tech. vertical upwards progression <3F, 3G, PF> [welding]Steigposition {f} <PF> [Schweißen]
4 Words: Others
bibl. as sparks fly upwards {adv}wie die Funken aufwärts fliegen
upwards to the lightempor zum Licht [geh.]
upwards to the starsempor zu den Sternen [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
to comb one's hair upwardsdie Haare nach oben kämmen
dent. to move the chair upwardsden Stuhl nach oben fahren
to penetrate upwards from belowvon unten heraufdringen
4 Words: Nouns
archi. column that tapers upwardssich nach oben verjüngende Säule {f}
5+ Words: Others
Remove the cover by lifting it upwards.Abdeckung nach oben abnehmen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to make prices spiral (up / upwards)die Preisschraube nach oben drehen [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Crashing Upwards [S.C. Wynne]Absturz nach oben
mus. F Soar joyfully upwardsSchwingt freudig euch empor [J. S. Bach, BWV 36]
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A 2019-10-09: A fancy way to say "it points upwards"?
A 2019-03-23: The hyphen in those typefaces looked like this: = (but slanted upwards fro...
Q 2015-10-12: Hold your small tall and pull it in a straight line direction upwards
Q 2009-11-03: Sticky upwards
A 2009-07-16: boasting expansive gables bent upwards like wings on the ends
A 2009-01-18: Jets of water that shoot up/explode upwards in time with the music
A 2008-04-02: that points upwards to the right
A 2008-03-13: plummet downwards, soar upwards
A 2008-03-13: is spiralling upwards?
A 2008-03-02: Incidentally, neither the spikes on your shoes nor spike heels normally po...
A 2008-02-28: ... seem to soar upwards with ease
A 2008-02-20: to point upwards. :-)
A 2007-11-01: the book which was handed upwards
A 2007-08-29: Five years and upwards,
A 2007-06-19: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22eyes+darted+upwards%2...
A 2007-03-01: soar upwards?
A 2007-02-16: how about peaking upwards?
A 2006-10-13: you`re right....it is periods of time, can be from 15 weeks upwards
A 2004-08-18: How about 'upwards of 100'. as for the 'good 100' debate...

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upwards compatibility
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upwards of 3000
upwards tendency
upwards to the light
upwards to the stars
upwards trend

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