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English-German translation for: urgent
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Dictionary English German: urgent

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ADJ   urgent | more urgent | most urgent
SYNO   pressing | urgent
ADJ  urgent | - | - ... 
SYNO   akut | drastisch | dringend ... 
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
eilig [dringend]
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
drängend [dringend]
urgent {adj} [request, appeal]
urgent {adj}
urgent {adj}
pressant [österr.]
urgent {adj}eilbedürftig [amtsspr.]
urgent {adj}urgent [veraltend]
2 Words: Others
extremely urgent {adj}brandeilig [ugs.]
It's urgent!Es eilt!
It's urgent.Es pressiert. [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
more urgent {adj}dringender
more urgent {adj}eiliger
most urgent {adj}dringendste
most urgent {adj}eiligste
most urgent {adj}vornehmst [geh.] [dringendst, z. B. vornehmste Aufgabe]
2 Words: Verbs
to be urgentpressieren [bes. südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [eilig, dringend sein]
to be urgentdringend sein
to be urgent [requiring or compelling speedy action or attention]eilen [dringend sein]
2 Words: Nouns
(urgent) necessity(dringendes) Bedürfnis {n}
telecom. urgent calldringender Anruf {m}
urgent calldringendes Gespräch {n}
admin. law urgent decisionEilentscheidung {f}
urgent matterdringende Angelegenheit {f}
urgent measureSofortmaßnahme {f}
urgent measuresSofortmaßnahmen {pl}
pol. urgent meetingDringlichkeitssitzung {f}
urgent memorandumDringlichkeitsvermerk {m}
urgent messagedringende Meldung {f}
urgent messagedringende Nachricht {f}
urgent messageeilige Nachricht {f}
law urgent motion [Am.] [in court]Eilantrag {m}
urgent needdringendes Verlangen {n}
urgent needs {pl}dringender Bedarf {m}
comm. urgent orderEilauftrag {m}
comm. urgent orderEilbestellung {f}
urgent problembrennendes Problem {n}
admin. law urgent procedure [also: urgent procedures]Eilverfahren {n}
urgent questionbrennende Frage {f}
urgent reminderBrandbrief {m}
urgent requestEilanfrage {f}
urgent requestdringende Aufforderung {f}
urgent requestdringende Bitte {f}
urgent requestdringendes Ersuchen {n} [geh.]
urgent wantdringender Bedarf {m}
3 Words: Others
at sb.'s urgent entreaty {adv}auf jds. Flehen
of urgent priority {adj} [postpos.]vordringlich
That's not urgent!Das eilt nicht!
Urgent toilet break. <UTB>Dringende Pause, muss aufs Klo.
3 Words: Nouns
urgent care clinicNotfallklinik {f}
4 Words: Others
at his urgent request {adv}auf sein dringendes Bitten (hin)
at my urgent request {adv}auf meine dringende Bitte (hin)
at their urgent request {adv}auf ihr dringendes Bitten (hin) [von mehreren Personen]
4 Words: Nouns
urgent request for helpdringendes Hilfeersuchen {n}
urgent request for helpdringende Bitte {f} um Hilfe
urban urgent urban-planning groundszwingende städtebauliche Gründe {pl}
5+ Words: Others
For urgent matters please contact ...In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an ...
in urgent need of reformdringend reformbedürftig
There is urgent need for action.Es besteht dringender Handlungsbedarf.
Your urgent attention to the matter would be appreciated.Wir bitten um vordringliche Erledigung.
5+ Words: Verbs
to address oneself to urgent taskssichAkk. wichtigen Aufgaben zuwenden
to be in urgent need of helpdringend Hilfe benötigen
to be in urgent need of helpdringend Hilfe brauchen
to be in urgent need of sb./sth.jdn./etw. dringend brauchen
to be not quite so urgentnicht ganz so dringend sein
5+ Words: Nouns
special / urgent urban-planning reasonsbesondere / zwingende städtebauliche Gründe {pl}
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Q 2021-06-30: roll resilient positioning unit - URGENT!
Q 2019-05-08: urgent help
Q 2019-05-08: urgent help
A 2019-02-11: A new report out today has warned the global transportation and logistics ...
Q 2018-08-28: Urgent email
A 2016-12-10: +dufflecoat+ does not seem to listen to you, M. Why don't you send him an ...
Q 2016-12-01: Urgent bitte (To a supplier)
Q 2016-05-09: Urgent bitte (To a supplier)
Q 2016-01-29: urgent help needed
Q 2016-01-29: urgent help needed
Q 2015-12-31: sentence - a bit urgent :-)
Q 2015-10-28: Urgent help needed - sentence
Q 2015-10-07: Urgent! Eine einfache Frage
Q 2015-06-25: sentence - help needed - urgent
Q 2015-06-25: sentence + urgent
Q 2015-05-18: Urgent help needed
A 2015-01-29: urgent illness is just as bad
Q 2015-01-29: urgent or acute illness
A 2015-01-03: urgent help ;)
A 2015-01-02: [He said] "in an urgent tone of voice" would do well, then.

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