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English-German translation for: usage
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Dictionary English German: usage

Translation 1 - 50 of 129  >>

English German
NOUN1   a usage | usages
NOUN2   usage | -
SYNO   custom | usage | usance | employment ... 
Verwendung {f}
Anwendung {f}
Gewohnheit {f}
Brauch {m}
usage [custom]
Gepflogenheit {f} [geh.]
Nutzung {f}
Gebrauch {m} [eines Wortes etc.]
comp. tech. usage [device, program]
Einsatz {m} [Gerät, Programm]
ling. usage [linguistic usage]
Sprachgebrauch {m}
ling. usage
Gebrauchsweise {f}
Usance {f}
Verwendungszweck {m}
Handelsbrauch {m}
2 Words: Others
usage-bound {adj}verbrauchsabhängig
econ. usage-dependent {adj}nutzungsabhängig
2 Words: Nouns
accepted usageüblicher Gebrauch {m}
ancient usagealter Brauch {m}
spec. annual usagejährlicher Lagerabgang {m}
comp. bandwidth usageBandbreitennutzung {f}
biol. codon usageCodon-Gebrauch {m}
biol. codon usageCodon-Nutzung {f}
colloquial usageumgangssprachliche Gepflogenheit {f} [geh.]
comm. commercial usageHandelsbrauch {m}
commercial usageUsance {f}
constr. RealEst. commercial usage [in a mixed-use building]Gewerbenutzung {f} [z. B. in Wohnblocks]
comm. common usageVerkehrssitte {f}
common usageverbreiteter Gebrauch {m}
comp. computer usageComputernutzung {f}
copious usageweitgehende Anwendung {f}
comp. CPU usageCPU-Auslastung {f}
comp. data usageDatennutzung {f}
tech. device usageGerätenutzung {f}
comp. tech. digital usageDigitalnutzung {f}
drugs drug usageDrogengebrauch {m}
drugs drug usageGebrauch {m} von Drogen
electr. electricity usageElektrizitätsanwendung {f}
electr. electricity usageStromverbrauch {m}
energy usageEnergieverbrauch {m}
everyday usageAlltagsverwendung {f}
field usageFeldeinsatz {m}
gas usageGasverwendung {f}
ill-usageMisshandlung {f}
indoor usageInnengebrauch {m}
RealEst. intended usageNutzungszweck {m}
international usageinternationaler Handelsbrauch {m}
Internet internet usageInternetnutzung {f}
ling. linguistic usageSprachgebrauch {m}
comp. memory usageDatenspeichernutzung {f}
comp. memory usageSpeichernutzung {f}
comp. memory usageNutzung {f} der Speicherkapazität
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Q 2023-12-16: transitive/intransitive usage of verbs
A 2023-05-02: Weird usage, I think you're bang on and he's using it as a generic organic...
A 2023-04-24: Whatever lay usage may be, legal practitioners tend to eschew ambiguity.
A 2023-03-14: Language keeps changing, but who can keep abreast of latest usage without ...
A 2023-03-10: Source. The above holds for BE usage.
A 2023-03-08: Usage and dictionary suggestions
A 2023-01-23: Current usage has +fanaticism+
Q 2022-11-21: Offensive words; historic usage; how to mark?
A 2022-10-19: +beef+ in BE usage
A 2022-04-19: Grab neu belegen > re-allocate a grave to a third party < This seems to be...
A 2021-11-18: +-ize+ Notes on usage: https://www.lexico.com/definition/-ize +ize+ has a...
A 2021-10-16: More on usage
A 2021-10-09: Dieser Paragraph ist noch gültig: Siehe Page 47 of 116 Dated usage tags
A 2021-07-31: PPS: In British usage, +direct+ would be a tad too official (which would n...
Q 2021-06-28: Usage of the word way-wise/way-wiser
A 2021-02-12: UK usage is more polite, though
A 2021-01-29: Is +British use+ (16:44) supposed to be British usage?
A 2020-10-12: Quote \ If the distinction is made by +some+ Americans such usage would gi...
A 2020-10-01: (2) Scholarly source in a wasteland of loose usage
A 2020-09-21: Usage: In cold weather, +paraffin burners / heaters+ are still lit in Britain

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