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English-German translation for: useful
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Dictionary English German: useful

Translation 1 - 50 of 94  >>

English German
ADJ   useful | more useful | most useful
SYNO   useful | utilitarian | utile
useful {adj}
useful {adj}
useful {adj}
useful {adj}
useful {adj}
useful {adj}
useful {adj}
useful {adj}
patent [ugs.] [brauchbar]
2 Words: Others
dead useful {adj} [Br.] [coll.]wirklich nützlich
hugely useful {adj}sehr nützlich
more useful {adj}nützlicher
most useful {adj}nützlichste
widely useful {adj}vielseitig einsetzbar
2 Words: Verbs
to be usefuldienlich sein
to be usefulnützlich sein
2 Words: Nouns
useful advicebrauchbarer Rat {m}
useful areaNutzfläche {f}
useful areasNutzflächen {pl}
electr. useful bandwidthNutzbandbreite {f}
MedTech. useful beamNutzstrahl {m}
MedTech. phys. useful beamNutzstrahlenbündel {n}
MedTech. phys. useful beamNutzstrahlung {f}
MedTech. phys. useful beamnutzbares Strahlenbündel {n}
tech. useful capacityNutzkapazität {f}
useful creaturesNützlinge {pl}
useful effectNutzeffekt {m}
useful energyNutzenergie {f}
useful expressionsnützliche Ausdrücke {pl}
tech. useful formatNutzformat {n}
useful heatNutzwärme {f}
useful idiot [coll.] [pej.]nützlicher Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
useful informationnützliche Information {f}
useful lifeGebrauchsdauer {f}
tech. useful lifeLebensdauer {f} [eines Geräts etc.]
tech. useful lifeNutzungsdauer {f}
aviat. useful loadNutzlast {f}
electr. tech. useful outputNutzleistung {f}
educ. useful phrasesRedemittel {pl}
bot. useful plantNutzpflanze {f}
agr. hort. useful plantsNützlinge {pl} [Pflanzen]
bot. useful plantsNutzpflanzen {pl}
tech. useful powerNutzleistung {f}
MedTech. phys. useful radiationNutzstrahlung {f}
useful rangeNutzbereich {m}
spec. useful redundancenützliche Redundanz {f}
spec. useful redundancynützliche Redundanz {f}
electr. telecom. useful signalNutzsignal {n}
audio telecom. useful soundNutzschall {m}
tech. useful spaceNutzraum {m}
useful vocabularynützlicher Wortschatz {m}
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A 2023-02-15: I will say, I find the "missing" function incredibly useful.
A 2022-09-17: @ Windfall: a very useful site for German law, partly with English translations
A 2021-12-29: Thanks! Those are all useful links.
A 2021-11-30: "In terms of ..." is a useful rhetorical tool to bring the object to the f...
A 2020-01-27: Maybe the German Wiki entry helps here. There's some useful hints about di...
A 2020-01-15: ngrams can be useful
A 2019-06-19: Possibly useful LINX
A 2018-10-12: Wie Paul schreibt, können meiner Meinung nach "disambiguation useful in bo...
A 2018-06-22: Very useful, thank you!
A 2018-05-02: If you don't think it's useful, that means it's not useful to you, not tha...
Q 2018-03-06: Useful in times of Brexit? Here's an Anglo - EU Translation Guide
Q 2018-01-02: A useful video for learnig sounds that animals make in german:
A 2017-10-23: Good and useful answer
A 2017-10-17: Further evidence (and potentially useful LINX)
A 2017-10-11: Perhaps Eurodicts can come up with something useful
A 2017-09-13: Not a hard or useful translation task
A 2017-08-25: useful, helpful
A 2017-05-14: Doing it that was seems a useful idea.
A 2017-05-14: further English name = +useful+
A 2017-05-13: Very useful hint - but I am still perplexed

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