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English-German translation for: using
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Dictionary English German: using

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

English German
NOUN   using | -
VERB  to use | used | used
using | uses
SYNO   exploitation | using | victimisation ... 
using {pres-p}
using {pres-p}
using {pres-p}
using {pres-p}
usingunter Verwendung
using {pres-p} [consuming]verbrauchend
Nutzung {f}
Verwendung {f} [das Verwenden]
2 Words: Others
(by) using sth. {adv}unter Einsatz etw.Gen.
re-using {adj}wieder verwendend
using cheques {adv} [Br.]durch Scheck
using upverfeuernd
2 Words: Verbs
to continue using sth.etw. weiterbenutzen
3 Words: Others
using a sledgehammer {adv} [idiom]mit der Brechstange [Redewendung]
using computerised support {adv}mit EDV-Unterstützung
using debit entries {adv}durch Lastschrift
law using equitable discretion {adv}nach billigem Ermessen
using the sledgehammer {adv} [fig.]mit dem Vorschlaghammer [fig.]
using traditional methods {adv}nach (alter) handwerklicher Tradition
3 Words: Verbs
to draw using dotspunktieren [durch Punkte darstellen]
sports to exercise using dumbbellshanteln
med. to treat using electricityelektrisieren
3 Words: Nouns
econ. EU tech. energy-using productenergiebetriebenes Produkt {n}
comp. using a computer(der) Computergebrauch {m} [das Benutzen eines Computers]
4 Words: Others
cautious in using variations {adj}vorsichtig bei der Anwendung von Abweichungen
shake well before usingvor Gebrauch gut schütteln
fin. using a bank transfer {adv}durch Überweisung
acad. educ. using an interdisciplinary approach {adj}fachübergreifend [Lehre]
fin. using bills of exchange {adv}durch Wechsel
using the example of sb./sth. {adv}am Beispiel von jdm./etw.
using the method of ... {adv}nach der Methode ...
4 Words: Verbs
ecol. to advocate using green productssich für umweltfreundliche Produkte einsetzen
to arrange A to fit using BAAkk. mit BDat. passend machen
to pass using the handhinreichen
4 Words: Nouns
purchase using mixed financingKauf {m} mit Mischfinanzierung
purchase using outside resourcesKauf {m} mit Fremdfinanzierung
5+ Words: Others
QM tech. CMMs using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems [Part 5 of DIN EN ISO 10360]Prüfung der Antastabweichungen von KMG mit berührendem Messkopfsystem [Teil 5 der DIN EN ISO 10360]
audio Remove your hearing aid before using hair spray.Nehmen Sie Ihr Hörgerät vor der Verwendung von Haarspray heraus.
She did the stretch using the crawl. [She swam the segment using the crawl.]Sie hat / ist die Strecke gekrault.
She has reverted to using her maiden name.Sie hat wieder ihren Mädchennamen angenommen.
using the last of one's strength {adv}mit letzter Kraft
EU When using do not eat or drink. [safety phrase S20]Bei der Arbeit nicht essen und trinken. [Sicherheitssatz S20]
EU When using do not smoke. [safety phrase S21]Bei der Arbeit nicht rauchen. [Sicherheitssatz S21]
MedTech. phys. tech. with / using / by means of magnetic resonance imaging {adj} [postpos.]magnetresonanztomographisch
5+ Words: Verbs
to be out of reach of anyone using the bath or showersichAkk. außerhalb der Reichweite von Personen befinden, die die Badewanne oder die Dusche benutzen
sports to cover a distance using the crawleine Strecke kraulen
tech. to cut sth. using / with an angle grinderetw.Akk. flexen [etw. mit einer Trennscheibe zertrennen]
dent. law to establish sb.'s identity using dental recordsjds. Identität durch zahnärztliche Unterlagen beweisen
MedTech. to examine sb. by means of / using MR tomographyjdn. magnetresonanztomographisch untersuchen
to open up sth. using a sawetw. aufsägen
5+ Words: Nouns
agr. alpine farmers (using high pastures)Almbauern {pl}
MedTech. dry imager using direct thermographythermographiebasierter Trockendrucker {m}
archi. prefabricated construction (using concrete slabs)Plattenbauweise {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
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A 2024-12-12: The simplest solution is to avoid any addition, as using the plural in Eng...
A 2023-05-02: Weird usage, I think you're bang on and he's using it as a generic organic...
A 2023-03-29: Thanks everyone the difference between using an * and a ? is very helpful....
A 2023-03-15: I truly don't understand what the problem with using monolingual dictionar...
A 2023-01-13: yes, but FORCIBLE persuasion; nothing to do with ÜberredungsKUNST (e.g. by...
Q 2022-06-27: Word order: Using "probably"
A 2021-05-12: In my experience, using condole as a verb is very rare (in BE),
A 2020-10-12: Personally, I love hearing unusual pronunciations. I have learnt to regret...
Q 2020-06-23: Welch- which, which one - using cases
A 2020-03-23: If you're using the British spelling of defence, use the British spelling ...
A 2019-05-16: If you are using them as a person's name, then they are capitalised.
A 2019-01-27: LINX NB: In English, using +she / her+ implies the personification of a ci...
Q 2018-12-06: Merkel set off a hullabaloo among linguists by using the word Sh**storm.
A 2018-11-01: People who prefer to be referred to using they are still very few and far ...
Q 2018-08-30: Licensing of Software using the Dictionary
A 2018-08-26: Much rather: Coating the thread +using+ a bit of wax candle ... +Candle wa...
A 2018-07-09: https://owlcation.com/humanities/using-interjections-in-sentences
A 2018-07-01: I agree that using k/K for a thousand is informal and is not suitable for ...
A 2018-05-12: That's the thing. English has three words where German is reduced to using...
A 2018-03-12: "[kurz für: ...] / [short for: ...]" is by far the better formulation an...

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