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English-German translation for: uterine
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Dictionary English German: uterine

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ADJ   uterine | - | -
ADJ  uterin | - | -
uteriner | uterine | uterines
anat. uterine {adj}
2 Words: Nouns
med. (uterine) contractionWehe {f} [Geburtswehe]
med. (uterine) fibroidMyom {n} der Gebärmutter
med. uterine abrasionKürettage {f}
anat. uterine artery <UA> [Arteria uterina]Gebärmutterarterie {f}
anat. uterine artery <UA> [Arteria uterina]Uterusarterie {f}
med. uterine atonyUterusatonie {f}
med. uterine atonyatonische Nachblutung {f}
med. uterine atrophyGebärmutteratrophie {f}
med. uterine atrophyUterusatrophie {f}
biol. uterine bellUterusglocke {f}
med. uterine bleedingUterusblutung {f}
med. uterine bleeding <UB>uterine Blutung {f} <UB>
med. uterine cancerGebärmutterkrebs {m}
med. uterine cancerUteruskarzinom {n} [Gebärmutterkrebs]
med. uterine cancerUteruskrebs {m}
med. uterine carcinomaUteruskarzinom {n}
anat. uterine cavity [Cavitas uteri, Cavum uteri]Gebärmutterhöhle {f}
anat. uterine cavity [Cavitas uteri, Cavum uteri]Uterushöhle {f}
anat. uterine cervix [Cervix uteri]Gebärmutterhals {m}
med. uterine contractionsGeburtswehen {pl}
biol. uterine cycleUteruszyklus {m}
med. uterine dislocationDislokation {f} des Uterus
med. uterine displacement [metrectopia]Gebärmutterverlagerung {f} [Metrektopie]
med. uterine fibroid [leiomyoma, myoma]Uterusmyom {n}
med. uterine fibroids <UFs> [uterine myomas]Uterusmyome {pl}
med. uterine fibromaGebärmutterfibrom {n}
med. uterine haemorrhage [Br.]Uterusblutung {f}
med. uterine hemorrhage [Am.]Uterusblutung {f}
VetMed. uterine horns [cornu uteri]Uterushörner {pl} [Cornu uteri]
med. uterine inertia [Inertia uteri]Wehenschwäche {f}
anat. med. uterine injuryUterusverletzung {f}
anat. med. uterine isthmus [Isthmus uteri]Gebärmutterenge {f}
med. uterine leiomyoma [uterine fibroid, myoma]Uterus-Leiomyom {n}
med. uterine leiomyoma [uterine fibroid, myoma]Leiomyom {n} des Uterus
anat. uterine liningGebärmutterschleimhaut {f} [Endometrium]
anat. uterine liningAuskleidung {f} der Gebärmutter
med. uterine malformationGebärmuttermissbildung {f}
med. uterine malformationUterusmissbildung {f}
med. uterine myoma <UM>Uterusmyom {n}
anat. uterine neck [Cervix uteri]Gebärmutterhals {m}
anat. uterine neck [Cervix uteri]Uterushals {m}
anat. uterine orificeMuttermund {m} <Mumu, MuMu>
med. uterine prolapseGebärmuttervorfall {m}
med. uterine prolapse [Prolapsus uteri]Uterusprolaps {m}
med. uterine ruptureGebärmutterriss {m}
med. uterine ruptureGebärmutterruptur {f}
med. uterine ruptureUterusriss {m}
med. uterine ruptureUterusruptur {f}
MedTech. uterine scissorsUterusscheren {pl}
anat. uterine tube [Tuba uterina]Eileiter {m}
anat. uterine tubes [Tubae uterinae]Eileiter {pl}
anat. uterine vein <UV> [Vena uterina]Gebärmuttervene {f}
anat. uterine vein <UV> [Vena uterina]Uterusvene {f}
3 Words: Nouns
med. abnormal uterine bleeding <AUB>abnormale uterine Blutung {f} <AUB>
med. dysfunctional uterine bleeding <DUB>dysfunktionelle uterine Blutung {f} <DUB>
med. spontaneous uterine activity {sg}Spontanwehen {pl}
med. uterine gauze packerTamponadeführer {m} [Chirurgie, Instrument]
med. uterine tube cancerEileiterkrebs {m}
4 Words: Nouns
anat. med. isthmus of uterine tube [Isthmus tubae uterinae]Isthmus tubae uterinae {m}
MedTech. recording of uterine contractionsWehenaufzeichnung {f}
anat. rectouterine / recto-uterine pouch [Excavatio rectouterina, Cavum douglassi, Fossa douglasi]Bauchfellgrube {f} zwischen Mastdarm und Gebärmutter
anat. vesicouterine / vesico-uterine excavation [Excavatio vesicouterina, Cavum vesicouterinum]Bauchfellgrube {f} zwischen Harnblase und Gebärmutter
anat. vesicouterine / vesico-uterine pouch [Excavatio vesicouterina, Cavum vesicouterinum]Bauchfellgrube {f} zwischen Harnblase und Gebärmutter
5+ Words: Nouns
med. cancer of the uterine tubesEileiterkrebs {m}
anat. biol. fimbriae of (the) uterine tube [Fimbriae tubae uterinae]Eileiterfransen {pl}
anat. biol. fimbriae of (the) uterine tube [Fimbriae tubae uterinae]Fimbrien {pl} des Eileiters
med. MedTech. non-traumatic surgical kit for uterine operationsatraumatisches Uterus-Operationsbesteck {n}
med. rigidity of the uterine cervixMuttermundrigidität {f}
med. spasm of the uterine cervixMuttermundspasmus {m}
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A 2020-02-20: Correction / bottom line: ... as in +the+ uterine cervix.

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