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English-German translation for: vaccination
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Dictionary English German: vaccination

Translation 1 - 50 of 160  >>

English German
NOUN1   vaccination | -
NOUN2   a vaccination | vaccinations
SYNO   inoculation | vaccination
vaccination {adj} [attr.] [e.g. mandate, campaign, efficiency]Impf- [z. B. Pflicht, Kampagne, Effizienz]
med. vaccination
Impfung {f}
med. vaccination
Schutzimpfung {f}
med. vaccination
Vakzination {f}
med. vaccinationVakzinierung {f}
2 Words: Others
post-vaccination {adj}nach der Impfung [nachgestellt]
vaccination-ready {adj} [postpos.]impfbereit
2 Words: Nouns
med. basic vaccinationGrundimmunisierung {f}
med. booster vaccinationAuffrischungsimpfung {f}
med. booster vaccinationBooster-Impfung {f} [auch: Boosterimpfung]
med. compulsory vaccinationImpfpflicht {f}
med. compulsory vaccinationImpfzwang {m}
med. compulsory vaccinationPflichtimpfung {f}
med. VetMed. compulsory vaccinationZwangsimpfung {f}
med. corona vaccinationCorona-Impfung {f}
med. diphtheria vaccinationDiphtherieimpfung {f}
MedTech. emergency vaccinationNotimpfung {f}
med. VetMed. first vaccination [of a series]Erstimpfung {f}
med. flu vaccination [coll.] [short for: influenza vaccination]Grippeimpfung {f}
med. flu vaccination [coll.] [short for: influenza vaccination]Grippe-Impfung {f}
med. hepatitis A vaccination <HAV vaccination>Hepatitis-A-Impfung {f} <HAV-Impfung>
med. hepatitis B vaccination <HBV vaccination>Hepatitis-B-Impfung {f} <HBV-Impfung>
med. indicated vaccinationIndikationsimpfung {f}
med. influenza vaccinationGrippeimpfung {f}
law med. mandatory vaccinationImpfobligatorium {n} [schweiz.] [Impfpflicht]
med. mandatory vaccinationImpfpflicht {f}
med. VetMed. mandatory vaccinationPflichtimpfung {f}
med. pharm. measles vaccinationMasernimpfung {f}
med. needle vaccinationNadelimpfung {f}
med. obligatory vaccinationImpfpflicht {f}
obligatory vaccinationImpfzwang {m}
med. oral vaccinationSchluckimpfung {f}
med. pertussis vaccinationKeuchhustenimpfung {f}
med. protective vaccinationSchutzimpfung {f}
med. rabies vaccinationTollwutimpfung {f}
med. ring vaccinationRingimpfung {f}
med. pharm. RNA vaccinationRNA-Impfung {f}
pharm. rubella vaccinationRötelnimpfung {f}
med. second vaccinationZweitimpfung {f}
med. second vaccinationzweite Impfung {f}
pharm. smallpox vaccinationPockenimpfung {f}
med. smallpox vaccinationPockenschutzimpfung {f}
med. tetanus vaccinationTetanusimpfung {f}
med. tetanus vaccinationTetanusschutzimpfung {f}
med. TrVocab. travel vaccinationReiseschutzimpfung {f}
med. vaccination adviceImpfberatung {f}
med. VetMed. vaccination ageImpfalter {n}
med. vaccination appealImpfappell {m}
med. VetMed. vaccination appointmentImpftermin {m}
vaccination behavior [Am.]Impfverhalten {n}
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A 2017-01-23: the scar, probably rather old because that sort of vaccination was usually...
A 2017-01-23: It may refer to swelling (and pain) at the vaccination spot
A 2008-04-12: - his efforts regarding vaccination?
A 2008-02-10: or post-vaccination illnesses
A 2008-02-10: vaccination-related illnesses / diseases / adverse events
A 2007-12-14: Vaccination against strategies are recorded as codes.
A 2004-12-09: Impfung = vaccination (against)
A 2004-06-21: vaccination against

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