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English-German translation for: vaginal-operative Entbindung
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vaginal-operative Entbindung in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: vaginal operative Entbindung

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

NOUN   die vaginal-operative Entbindung | die vaginal-operativen Entbindungen
med. instrumental vaginal deliveryvaginal-operative Entbindung {f}
med. operative vaginal deliveryvaginal-operative Entbindung {f}
Partial Matches
med. assisted birth [either forceps or ventouse]vaginal-operative Geburt {f}
med. instrumental vaginal birthvaginal-operative Geburt {f}
med. operative vaginal deliveryvaginal-operative Geburt {f}
med. operative deliveryoperative Entbindung {f}
med. vaginal {adj}vaginal
med. vaginally {adv}vaginal
med. accouchementEntbindung {f}
med. childbearingEntbindung {f}
med. childbirthEntbindung {f}
med. deliveryEntbindung {f}
med. vaginal seedingVaginal-Seeding {n} [»Säen von Vaginalkeimen«]
med. maternity [medical jargon for maternity ward]Entbindung {f} [ugs.] [Entbindungsstation]
release (from)Entbindung {f} (von) [einer Pflicht]
absolution from a vowEntbindung {f} von einem Gelübde
release from a vowEntbindung {f} von einem Gelübde
med. complications of labor and delivery [Am.] [ICD]Komplikationen {pl} bei Wehentätigkeit und Entbindung [ICD]
med. complications of labour and delivery [Br.] [ICD]Komplikationen {pl} bei Wehentätigkeit und Entbindung [ICD]
med. abdominal incision(operative) Bauchhöhleneröffnung {f}
med. ectomy(operative) Entfernung {f}
med. arthrodesis(operative) Gelenkversteifung {f}
med. buttock lift (surgery)(operative) Gesäßstraffung {f}
med. craterisation [Br.](operative) Knochenausmuldung {f}
med. craterization(operative) Knochenausmuldung {f}
VetMed. rumenotomy(operative) Panseneröffnung {f}
med. division of the phrenic nerve(operative) Phrenikusdurchtrennung {f}
med. pharyngotomy(operative) Racheneröffnung {f}
med. tenotomy(operative) Sehnendurchschneidung {f}
med. tenotomy(operative) Sehnendurchtrennung {f}
dent. med. sialolithotomy(operative) Speichelsteinentfernung {f}
audio med. stapedioplasty(operative) Stapesfußplattenentfernung {f}
med. antrotomy(operative) Warzenfortsatzeröffnung {f}
dent. alveolotomy(operative) Zahnfacheröffnung {f}
med. surgical shortening of the Achilles tendonoperative Achillessehnenverkürzung {f}
operational aspectsoperative Aspekte {pl}
mil. operational reconnaissanceoperative Aufklärung {f}
operative implementationoperative Durchführung {f}
operational leveloperative Ebene {f}
econ. med. operative leveloperative Ebene {f}
econ. operational unitoperative Einheit {f}
med. embolectomyoperative Embolusentfernung {f}
med. surgical removaloperative Entfernung {f}
med. psych. sex-change operationoperative Geschlechtsumwandlung {f}
operative integrationoperative Integration {f}
operational effectivenessoperative Leistungsfähigkeit {f}
QM operational performance indicator <OPI>operative Leistungskennzahl {f}
QM operational performance indicators <OPIs>operative Leistungskennzahlen {pl}
econ. market. operative gapoperative Lücke {f}
mil. operational air reconnaissanceoperative Luftaufklärung {f}
med. excision of the tonsilsoperative Mandelentfernung {f}
econ. operating marginoperative Marge {f}
econ. operational measuresoperative Maßnahmen {pl}
mil. operational reservesoperative Reserven {pl}
med. surgical excision / removal of (the) seminal vesicleoperative Samenblasenentfernung {f}
acc. fin. operating segmentsoperative Segmente {pl}
med. refractive surgeryoperative Sehfehlerkorrektur {f}
econ. ind. operational strategyoperative Strategie {f}
med. surgical techniqueoperative Technik {f}
audio med. surgical removal of the tympanic membraneoperative Trommelfellentfernung {f}
mil. operational supportoperative Unterstützung {f}
med. surgical treatmentoperative Versorgung {f}
MedTech. adipectomy(operative) Fettentfernung {f} [Adipektomie]
law operational case analysisoperative Fallanalyse {f} <OFA>
med. lung volume reduction surgery <LVRS>operative Lungenvolumenreduktion {f} <OLVR>
audio med. excision of the tympanic membrane [myringectomy]operative Trommelfellentfernung {f} [Myringektomie]
biol. operational taxonomic unit <OTU>operative taxonomische Einheit {f}
med. laryngotomy(operative) Eröffnung {f} des Kehlkopfes
med. hysterectomyoperative Entfernung {f} der Gebärmutter
med. abdominal hysterotomy(operative) Gebärmuttereröffnung {f} durch die Bauchhöhle
med. abdominal nephrectomy(operative) Nierenentfernung {f} durch die Bauchhöhle
operational support function [between police and military forces]operative Unterstützungsfunktion {f} [polizeilicher, militärischer Art etc.]
med. radical surgery of endometriosis with partial bowel resectionradikale operative Behandlung {f} der Endometriose mit Darmteilresektion
mil. psywar [short for: psychological warfare]operative Information {f} [Bundeswehr-fachspr. Ausdruck für psychologische Kriegsführung]
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