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English-German translation for: valuable
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Dictionary English German: valuable

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
ADJ   valuable | more valuable | most valuable
NOUN   a valuable | valuables
SYNO   valuable | worthful
valuable {adj}
valuable {adj}
valuable {adj}
valuable {adj}
valuable {adj}
teuer [wertvoll]
valuable {adj}
wertig [qualitätvoll]
2 Words: Others
less valuable {adj}weniger wertvoll
less valuable {adj}von geringerem Wert [nachgestellt]
more valuable {adj}wertvoller
non-valuable {adj}nicht wertvoll
not valuable {adj}nicht schätzbar
educ. pedagogically valuable {adj}pädagogisch wertvoll
valuable for sth. {adj}geschätzt wegen etw.Dat. [wertgeschätzt]
2 Words: Nouns
valuable advicewertvoller Rat {m}
valuable articleWertgegenstand {m}
valuable articleWertsache {f}
valuable articlesWertgegenstände {pl}
valuable assetwertvoller Vermögensposten {m}
comm. econ. valuable assetwertvolles Gut {n}
valuable assistancewertvolle Hilfe {f}
valuable commoditywertvolles Gut {n}
valuable considerationentgeltliche Gegenleistung {f}
valuable considerationwertvolle Gegenleistung {f}
valuable contactswertvolle Kontakte {pl}
valuable experiencewertvolle Erfahrung {f}
furn. valuable furniture {sg}kostbare Möbel {pl}
valuable gemskostbare Edelsteine {pl}
valuable informationwertvolle Information {f}
valuable insightwertvoller Einblick {m}
valuable lessonwertvolle Lektion {f}
material valuable materialsWertstoffe {pl}
material mineral. valuable metalsWertmetalle {pl}
valuable mineralwertvolles Mineral {n}
valuable objectWert {m} [Wertsache]
valuable objectsWertgegenstände {pl}
valuable objectsWertsachen {pl}
valuable porcelainkostbares Porzellan {n}
valuable possessionswertvolle Besitzungen {pl}
valuable propertywertvoller Besitz {m}
material valuable scrapwertvoller Schrott {m}
valuable serviceguter Dienst {m}
valuable serviceswertvolle Dienste {pl}
valuable sourcewertvolle Quelle {f}
valuable stoneskostbare Steine {pl}
ecol. valuable substanceWertstoff {m} [verwertbarer Bestandteil des Abfalls]
valuable suggestionwertvoller Vorschlag {m}
valuable suggestionswertvolle Anregungen {pl}
valuable supportwertvolle Unterstützung {f}
3 Words: Others
law for valuable consideration {adv}entgeltlich
3 Words: Verbs
to prove itself valuablesich als wertvoll erweisen
to provide valuable contributionswertvolle Beiträge leisten
3 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. economically valuable Jew [NSDAP term: a Jew who was to be afforded assistance by consular authorities]wirtschaftlich wertvoller Jude {m} <WWJ> [Passstempel]
sports most valuable player <MVP>wertvollster Spieler {m}
sports most valuable player <MVP> [Am.] [of a particular match]Spieler {m} des Spiels
4 Words: Others
How valuable is it?Wie viel ist es wert?
not valuable in moneyunschätzbar
4 Words: Nouns
valuable corporate trade secretswertvolle Geschäftsgeheimnisse {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
animal with a valuable furTier {n} mit einem wertvollen Fell / Pelz
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A 2021-07-28: valuable
A 2020-11-16: thank you all for your valuable help - appreciated
A 2020-07-16: thank you all for your valuable help - appreciated
A 2020-02-15: @ hausamsee & MichaelK: Thanks for the valuable hints concerning what Lage...
A 2019-09-26: thank you all for your valuable help - appreciated
A 2017-05-18: is spin-doctored into a valuable concept of the future
A 2013-11-12: I have not changed my mind; I think the information is (often) valuable.
A 2013-03-05: @tomaquinaten I think, if anybody means these entries are valuable he/she ...
A 2012-09-19: Thank you for this valuable :) information, WingDing
Q 2012-06-15: actually valuable
A 2011-11-22: http://www.linguee.de/deutsch-englisch/search?source=auto&query=good+and+v...
A 2011-08-12: Many thanks for your valuable guidance!
A 2011-05-19: Thank you for the valuable input
A 2011-02-03: Tippfehler? "valuable proprietary, confidential information"
A 2010-12-17: In the legal field deliverables is anything that can be seen as valuable b...
A 2010-11-24: Thanks a lot for your very valuable help!
A 2010-10-09: Ah! I thank both of you for your valuable help!
Q 2010-06-28: "Your source to valuable IT related information."
A 2010-05-31: what was most valuable ?
A 2010-01-19: Oh! Thanks for this valuable comment, Lisa!

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