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English-German translation for: valued
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Dictionary English German: valued

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
VERB  to value | valued | valued ... 
SYNO   precious | valued
valued {adj} {past-p}
valued {adj} {past-p}
valued {adj}
wert [veraltend] [hochgeschätzt]
valued {adj}
2 Words: Others
math. complex-valued {adj}komplexwertig
electr. engin. stat. discrete-valued {adj}wertediskret
math. eight-valued {adj}achtwertig
highly valued {adj}hoch eingeschätzt
math. many-valued {adj}mehrwertig
much-valued {adj}hochgeschätzt
multi-valued {adj}mehrwertig
math. multiple-valued {adj}mehrwertig
non-valued {adj}nicht bewertet
math. real-valued {adj}reellwertig
math. scalar-valued {adj}skalarwertig
comp. single-valued {adj}einwertig
math. three-valued {adj}dreiwertig
two-valued {adj}zweiwertig
valued at {adj}geschätzt auf [+Akk.]
valued at {prep}im Wert von [+Dat.]
math. vector-valued {adj}vektorwertig
world-valued {adj}weltweit geschätzt
2 Words: Nouns
valued assistantgeschätzter Helfer {m}
valued customergeschätzter Kunde {m}
valued ideageschätzte Idee {f}
insur. valued policyTaxpolice {f}
3 Words: Others
Dear Valued Customer [greeting on business correspondence]Sehr geehrter Kunde, ...
highly valued for {adj}hoch geschätzt für
3 Words: Verbs
to be valued at sth.auf etw.Akk. taxiert werden
fin. to be valued at sth.mit etw.Dat. zu Buche stehen
3 Words: Nouns
highly-valued friendhochgeschätzter Freund {m}
comp. math. multi-valued logicmehrwertige Logik {f}
math. philos. three-valued logicdreiwertige Logik {f}
your valued opinionIhre geschätzte Meinung {f}
4 Words: Others
Dear valued business partners, ...Werte Geschäftspartner, ... [Briefanrede, Ansprache]
valued at about $10 {adj} [postpos.]auf etwa $10 geschätzt
4 Words: Verbs
to be valued above allüber alles andere geschätzt werden
5+ Words: Others
acc. fin. sth. is valued at the lower of cost or market valueetw. wird nach dem Niederstwertprinzip bewertet
valued as a capital investment {adj}geschätzt als Kapitalanlage
valued at more than $100 {adj} [postpos.]auf mehr als 100 $ geschätzt
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A 2021-07-29: valued
A 2018-01-08: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=5MJTWubAFKue6ASdqrPoDw&q=%22h...
A 2014-09-23: for in what (in which thing) is he to be valued?
A 2009-07-21: Throughout the country, property valued at more than €XX is managed for Ge...
A 2009-05-09: highly-valued audience!
Q 2009-04-20: We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom.
A 2006-09-10: yes, I got confused too, but I would also say valued at
A 2006-03-16: that preventing ethnic stratifications generally serves a collective purpo...
A 2005-12-16: @ my valued Sara and Laura
A 2005-12-16: our valued employees
A 2005-02-26: how she valued herself
Q 2005-02-26: how she valued herself
Q 2004-05-28: valued achievements

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