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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: variables
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Dictionary English German: variables

Translation 1 - 27 of 27


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NOUN   a variable | variables
ADJ  variabel | variabler | am variabelsten
variabler | variable | variables
variabelster | variabelste | variabelstes
Variablen {pl} [grammatische Seltenheit - für eine Bedeutung sind zwei Pluralformen möglich: Variable / Variablen]
variablesVariable {pl} [grammatische Seltenheit - für eine Bedeutung sind zwei Pluralformen möglich: Variable / Variablen]
2 Words
med. acquired hypogammaglobulinemia [Am.] [common variable immunodeficiency]variables Immundefektsyndrom {n} <VIDS>
comp. environment variablesUmgebungsvariablen {pl}
comp. environmental variablesUmgebungsvariablen {pl}
exposure variablesBelichtungsvariablen {pl}
astron. Mira variables [class of pulsating stars]Mirasterne {pl} [Klasse der pulsationsveränderlichen Sterne]
educ. jobs teacher variablesLehrervariablen {pl}
variable formatvariables Format {n}
3 Words
amount of variablesVariablenanzahl {f}
math. change of variablesVariablensubstitution {f}
med. common variable immunodeficiency <CVID>variables Immundefektsyndrom {n} <VIDS>
tech. continuous variable transmission <CVT>stufenlos variables Getriebe {n} [auch: Stufenlosgetriebe]
inspection by variablesVariablenprüfung {f}
inspection by variablesVariablen-Prüfung {f}
math. separation of variablesSeparation {f} der Variablen [Separationsmethode]
math. separation of variablesTrennung {f} der Variablen [Separationsmethode]
math. separation of variablesTrennung {f} der Veränderlichen [Separationsmethode]
too many variableszu viele Variable {pl}
too many variableszu viele Variablen {pl}
variable market segmentvariables Marktsegment {n}
biochem. variable surface glycoprotein <VSG>variables Oberflächenglykoprotein {n} <VGS>
4 Words
med. common variable immune deficiency <CVID>variables Immundefektsyndrom {n} <VIDS>
med. late-onset immunoglobulin deficiencyvariables Immundefektsyndrom {n} <VIDS>
biol. single-chain variable fragment <scFv>variables Einzelkettenfragment {n} <scFv-Fragment>
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2015-02-08: ? circle of variables http://isi.cbs.nl/glossary/blokge77.htm
Q 2014-05-22: "The variables set.." or "The set variables..."
Q 2014-05-16: to control for other variables
A 2013-10-09: variables
Q 2012-07-27: "condition index of the independent variables" and "variance inflation factors"
Q 2012-07-26: one-standard-deviation change in continuous variables
A 2011-05-30: vars = variables ?
A 2010-08-24: Variables
A 2010-08-19: variables are *referenced* (i.e. the code retrieves the previously declare...
A 2010-07-21: Two important variables are undefined here:
A 2009-11-04: (?) Examining test data by taking into account multiple influence variables (?)
Q 2008-07-08: laboratory variables
A 2008-03-19: factors, conditions, variables, parameters, (vectors)
A 2007-12-09: Converting quantities of different units into variables of one unit by tur...
A 2007-12-03: Ich schätze, es sind eher die *Einflußvariablen*: impact *or* influencing ...
Q 2007-07-03: variables of interest
Q 2007-06-21: mutually independent normal random variables
A 2007-06-07: taking all possible variables into consideration (?)
A 2007-04-19: lurking variables
A 2007-04-19: lurking variables

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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