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English-German translation for: variation
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Dictionary English German: variation

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NOUN   a variation | variations
SYNO   magnetic declination ... 
NOUN   die Variation | die Variationen
SYNO   Abart | Abwandlung | Anpassung ... 
Abweichung {f}
Schwankung {f}
variation [in style, diet, routine, programme]
Abwechslung {f}
biol. math. mus. variation
Variation {f}
variation [difference]
Unterschied {m}
variation [varying]
Veränderung {f}
Änderung {f}
mus. division
Variation {f}
Abwandlung {f}
Streuung {f}
variation [variant]
Variante {f}
Mannigfaltigkeit {f}
biol. variation
Abart {f} [Variation]
variation {sg}
Schwankungen {pl}
Wechsel {m}
variationAbänderung {f}
geogr. variation [declination]Deklination {f}
2 Words: Nouns
agreeable variationannehmbare Änderung {f}
allowed variationzulässige Abweichung {f}
electr. amplitude variationAmplitudenvariation {f}
annual variationJahresschwankung {f}
biol. antigenic variationAntigenvariation {f}
any variationjegliche Veränderung {f}
optics brightness variationHelligkeitsschwankung {f}
calendar variationKalenderabweichung {f}
automot. camber variationSturzänderung {f}
mus. canonic variationkanonische Variation {f}
mus. chord variationAkkordvariation {f}
meteo. climatic variationKlimaschwankung {f}
orn. zool. color variation [Am.]Farbschlag {m}
color variation [Am.]Farbvariante {f}
color variation [Am.]Farbvariation {f}
orn. zool. colour variation [Br.]Farbschlag {m}
colour variation [Br.]Farbvariation {f}
biochem. chem. concentration variationKonzentrationsschwankung {f}
econ. cyclical variationKonjunkturschwankung {f}
daily variationTagesschwankung {f}
material phys. density variationDichteschwankung {f}
material phys. density variationDichtevariation {f}
diurnal variationTagesgang {m} [Tagesschwankung]
diurnal variationTagesschwankung {f}
pharm. dose variation [rare] [change of dosage]Dosisänderung {f}
biol. facilitated variationerleichterte Variation {f}
games game variationSpielvariante {f}
electr. impedance variationImpedanzänderung {f}
spec. individual variationEinzelabweichung {f}
insufficient variationunzureichende Änderung {f}
tech. intensity variationIntensitätsvariation {f}
chem. geol. isotope variationIsotopenvariation {f}
length variationLängenänderung {f}
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A 2022-12-01: For the sake of variation, +Cente / Zente+ is plural whereas +hundred+ is ...
A 2021-10-18: @polarjud: how could accurately marking regional variation possibly nullify it?
A 2020-06-02: Variation and Family Arrangement Agreement
A 2020-01-11: Both your suggestions at 20:21 are good, as is MarkusMunich's variation.
Q 2019-04-09: A variation of "proud"
A 2018-09-06: It's a variation of the phrase with +two cents.+
A 2018-05-22: Variation on
A 2017-01-15: So they are indeed synonymous. What grieveth you? It may be a case of +ele...
A 2016-08-22: More specifically, +cost variation clause+
A 2016-05-17: Die Variation gibt es, weil entweder eher den Vorgang oder eher den Endzus...
A 2016-01-13: A (non-standard) variation of http://www.dict.cc/?s=loony
A 2016-01-07: the sentence will become clearer if you put a comma after "variation"
A 2016-01-03: die Gegenüberstellung von "three-axis variation" und "displacement variati...
Q 2016-01-02: three-axis variation information
Q 2016-01-02: a three-axis variation of the rotary switch, three-axis variation information
A 2015-08-31: Variation
A 2015-05-18: translated variation
A 2015-04-04: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22+temperature+variation%22+%22Temperaturschw...
Q 2015-04-04: temperature variation
A 2014-10-27: Male - it's a variation of Neil, which itself comes from Niall.

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