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English-German translation for: varying
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Dictionary English German: varying

Translation 1 - 71 of 71

English German
VERB  to vary | varied | varied
varying | varies
SYNO   variable | varying
varying {adj}
varying {adj}
varying {adj} {pres-p}
varying {adj} {pres-p}
varying {adj} {pres-p}
varying {adj}
verschieden [unterschiedlich]
varying {adj} {pres-p}
varying {adj} {pres-p}
varying {adj}
varying {adj}
varying {adj}
varying {adj} {pres-p}
varying {adj} {pres-p}differierend
varying {adj}von veränderlicher Länge
varying {adj} [exhibiting variations]variativ [geh.]
2 Words: Others
non-varying {adj}fest [unveränderlich]
non-varying {adj}konstant
non-varying {adj}unveränderlich
not varying {adj} [pred.]konstant
electr. engin. math. time-varying {adj}zeitvariant
time-varying {adj}zeitveränderlich
2 Words: Nouns
varying abilitiesunterschiedliche Fähigkeiten {pl}
varying accentsunterschiedliche Akzente {pl}
varying attitudesverschiedene Einstellungen {pl}
varying backgroundsunterschiedliche Vorbildung {f}
varying climatewechselndes Klima {n}
varying colour [Br.]wechselnde Farbe {f}
varying demandsunterschiedliche Ansprüche {pl}
varying depthsunterschiedliche Tiefen {pl}
varying experiencesunterschiedliche Erfahrungen {pl}
varying kindsunterschiedliche Arten {pl}
varying lengthsunterschiedliche Längen {pl}
tech. varying loadWechsellast {f}
varying moodwechselnde Stimmung {f}
varying moodsverschiedene Stimmungen {pl}
varying policiesunterschiedliches politisches Vorgehen {n}
varying pressurewechselnder Druck {m}
varying principlesich änderndes Prinzip {n}
varying reactionsunterschiedliche Reaktionen {pl}
varying regulationssich unterscheidende Bestimmungen {pl}
varying resultsunterschiedliche Ergebnisse {pl}
varying signalsunterschiedliche Signale {pl}
varying successunterschiedlicher Erfolg {m}
varying temperatureswechselnde Temperaturen {pl}
varying valuesunterschiedliche Werte {pl}
varying viewsich ändernde Aussicht {f}
varying viewpointsdifferierende Ansichten {pl}
meteo. varying weatherunstetes Wetter {n}
meteo. varying weatherveränderliches Wetter {n}
varying widthsunterschiedliche Breiten {pl}
3 Words: Others
at varying speedsbei unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten
in varying degrees {adv}mehr oder minder
of varying significance {adj}von unterschiedlicher Bedeutung
varying in color {adj} [Am.]von unterschiedlicher Farbe
varying in length {adj} [postpos.]von unterschiedlicher Länge [nachgestellt]
varying in quality {adj} [postpos.]von unterschiedlicher Qualität [nachgestellt]
varying in sizevon unterschiedlicher Größe
with varying limitsmit unterschiedlichen Begrenzungen
3 Words: Nouns
varying April dayveränderlicher Apriltag {m}
varying sleeping timeswechselnde Schlafzeiten {pl}
varying water levels [of river]unregelmäßige Wasserführung {f}
varying wind conditionsunterschiedliche Windbedingungen {pl}
4 Words: Others
non-varying (in length) {adj}von konstanter Länge [nachgestellt]
varying between (the) extremes {pres-p} {adj} [postpos.]zwischen (den) Extremen schwankend
4 Words: Nouns
varying degrees of effectivenessunterschiedliche Wirksamkeit {f}
varying levels of incomeunterschiedliche Einkommensebenen {pl}
varying sums of moneyunterschiedliche Beträge {pl}
5+ Words: Others
med. with varying (degree of) severitymit unterschiedlich deutlicher Ausprägung [Krankheitsbild]
with varying degrees of success {adv}mit unterschiedlichem Erfolg
5+ Words: Nouns
equitable balance between varying concernsAusgleich {m} der verschiedenen Belange
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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A 2017-01-25: Neutral suggestion: highly varying landscape (structure)
A 2016-08-03: maybe: to rearrange the whirl of varying patterns of reviews
A 2013-07-26: I have varying responses to extremely...?
A 2012-01-10: Ohnehin (here) > as it was, the varying colours ...
A 2012-01-09: I think +The varying colour(s) of sunlight have/has always bothered me+ is...
A 2010-07-17: Mind ! +Assume+ has got many different, varying meanings
A 2009-06-27: in case of varying meter readings
A 2009-04-16: No ..Zeug means more or less the same ,with fine distinctions, but line h...
A 2008-07-14: ... form of varying the speed according to block load and malfunction requ...
A 2008-04-29: or: at varying heights
A 2007-10-06: the amount of ... can easily be controlled by varying the pressure on ...
A 2007-04-13: Generally impressive is the arrangement of the knitware pattern, varying f...
A 2006-10-20: design work ? varying exhibitions ?
A 2006-08-31: Varying Riddle's suggestion
A 2006-05-11: Varying Dwight's suggestion: Welding technology shop of the Wetzlar Chambe...
A 2006-01-24: in line with the varying pressure ...
A 2005-11-07: Varying Allan's version and including 'im Wege der Vertragsübernahme'
A 2005-03-08: sinusoidally time-varying quantities

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• varying
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varying accents
varying April day
varying attitudes
varying backgrounds
varying between (the) extremes
varying climate
varying colour
varying demands
varying depths

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