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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: varying degrees
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Dictionary English German: varying degrees

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Keywords contained
in varying degrees {adv}mehr oder minder
varying degrees of effectivenessunterschiedliche Wirksamkeit {f}
with varying degrees of success {adv}mit unterschiedlichem Erfolg
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degrees <deg.>Grade {pl}
forbidden degreesverbotene Verwandtschaftsgrade {pl}
naut. unit ten degrees {pl}ein Dez {n} [zehn Grad]
by slow degrees {adv}in kleinen Schritten
degrees above freezingGrad {pl} über Null
degrees above zeroGrad {pl} über Null
degrees below freezingGrad {pl} unter Null
meteo. degrees below zeroMinusgrade {pl}
degrees of comparisonGrade {pl} der Steigerung
degrees of comparisonVergleichsgrade {pl}
meteo. degrees of frostMinusgrade {pl}
degrees of hardnessHärtegrade {pl} [bei Bleistiften]
degrees of heatHitzegrade {pl}
degrees of increaseSteigerungsgrade {pl}
degrees of relationshipVerwandtschaftsgrade {pl}
tech. scale (of degrees)Gradskala {f}
tilt of ... degreesVerkippung {f} von ... Grad
by degrees {adv} [idiom] [gradually]allmählich
by degrees {adv} [idiom] [gradually]nach und nach [allmählich]
educ. to take one's degreespromovieren
phys. spec. stat. degrees of freedom <df>Freiheitsgrade {pl} <FG>
20 degrees above zero20 Grad {pl} über dem Gefrierpunkt
30 degrees above zero30 Grad {pl} Wärme
angle of 90 degreesWinkel {m} von 90 Grad
degrees above freezing pointGrad {pl} über Null
degrees below freezing-pointGrad {pl} unter Null
minus three degrees centigradedrei Grad {m} minus
varying {adj}abwechslungsreich
varying {adj} {pres-p}abweichend
varying {adj} {pres-p}ändernd
varying {adj} {pres-p}differierend
varying {adj} {pres-p}schwankend
varying {adj}uneinheitlich
varying {adj}unstet
varying {adj}unterschiedlich
varying {adj} {pres-p}variierend
varying {adj}veränderlich
varying {adj} {pres-p}verändernd
varying {adj}verschieden [unterschiedlich]
varying {adj}von veränderlicher Länge
varying {adj} {pres-p}wechselnd
psych. sociol. six degrees of separation [theory]Kleine-Welt-Phänomen {n}
geogr. at 50 degrees North latitudeauf 50 Grad nördlicher Breite
in what felt like ... degrees {adv}bei gefühlten ... Grad
The thermometer shows 10 degrees.Das Thermometer steht auf 10 Grad.
meteo. 35 degrees in the shade35 Grad {pl} im Schatten
non-varying {adj}fest [unveränderlich]
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