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English-German translation for: vase
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Dictionary English German: vase

Translation 1 - 66 of 66


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NOUN   a vase | vases
NOUN   die Vase | die Vasen
Vase {f}
2 Words: Others
vase-shaped {adj}vasenförmig
2 Words: Nouns
alabaster vaseAlabastervase {f}
bronze vaseBronzevase {f}
bud vaseLanghalsvase {f}
art ceramic vaseKeramikvase {f}
china vasePorzellanvase {f}
cinerary vaseAschenkrug {m} [geh.] [Graburne]
clay vaseTonvase {f}
crystal vaseKristallvase {f}
favorite vase [Am.]Lieblingsvase {f}
favourite vase [Br.]Lieblingsvase {f}
floor vaseBodenvase {f}
flower vaseBlumenvase {f}
glass vaseGlasvase {f}
grave vaseGrabvase {f}
archaeo. art Harvester Vase [black steatite vase of the Minoan civilization]Schnittervase {f} [minoische Vase aus schwarzem Speckstein]
lying vaseLiegevase {f}
archaeo. art Ming vaseMing-Vase {f}
archaeo. art spec. name vase [specific vase an anonymous painter is named after]Namenvase {f} [namengebende Vase für einen anonymen Vasenmaler]
porcelain vasePorzellanvase {f}
potpourri vase [also: pot-pourri vase]Potpourrivase {f}
art pottery vaseKeramikvase {f}
silver vaseSilbervase {f}
small vaseVäschen {n}
spherical vaseKugelvase {f}
stone vaseSteinvase {f}
stone vasesteinerne Vase {f}
tulip vaseTulpenvase {f}
art usubata (vase) [ikebana flower arranging vessel]Usubata-Vase {f}
vase bottomVasenboden {m}
archaeo. vase fragmentsVasenscherben {pl}
art vase painterVasenmaler {m}
art vase paintingVasenbild {n}
archaeo. art vase painting [painting on ancient vases]Vasenmalerei {f}
3 Words: Nouns
art Art Nouveau vase [also: art nouveau vase]Jugendstilvase {f}
cemetery (flower) vaseFriedhofsvase {f}
cut-glass vaseVase {f} aus Kristallglas
egg-shaped vaseeiförmige Vase {f}
molded glass vase [Am.]Pressglasvase {f}
molded glass vase [Am.]Vase {f} aus Pressglas
moulded glass vase [Br.]Pressglasvase {f}
moulded glass vase [Br.]Vase {f} aus Pressglas
4 Words: Nouns
art Gallé cameo glass vaseKameenglasvase {f} von Gallé
archaeo. art red-figure vase paintingrotfigurige Vasenmalerei {f}
vase with handle / handlesHenkelvase {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
vase with flowers in itVase {f} mit Blumen darin
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
mycol. T
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Q 2023-08-03: foot rudiment [of a vase etc.] = Fußansatz {m} [einer Vase etc.] ?
A 2021-09-23: Handkerchief vase, fazzoletto vase
A 2021-09-23: Bei Suche mit Murano finde ich z. B. rotated shape, flower-shaped vase
A 2012-11-28: in z.B. "a beautifully designed vase" ist "beautifully" formal ein Adverb ...
A 2010-02-23: well, context .... auch aunt Myrna's vase kann so ein Fall sein .....
A 2007-09-26: vase-plaque:
A 2007-09-26: Sicher ist hier mit 'vase' eine Urne (urn) gemeint

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