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English-German translation for: very soon
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Dictionary English German: very soon

Translation 1 - 50 of 888  >>

(very) soon {adv} [in a short time, before long]in Bälde [bes. amtsspr.]
Partial Matches
soon {adv}bald
soon {adv}balde [poet.: bald]
soon {adv}binnen Kurzem
soon {adv}binnen kurzem
soon {adv}demnächst
soon {adv}zeitnah [schon bald, schnell]
soon {adv} [early]früh
soon {adv} [shortly]gleich [sehr bald]
anytime soon {adv}in absehbarer Zeit
anytime soon {adv}in naher Zukunft
Chat soon.Wir bleiben in Kontakt. [z. B. telefonisch, per E-Mail]
soon after {adv}bald danach
soon after {conj}kurz nachdem
soon after {adv}nach einer Weile
soon after {adv}wenig später
soon afterwards {adv}alsbald [veraltend] [kurz danach]
soon afterwards {adv}bald danach
soon afterwards {adv}kurz danach
soon enough {adv}rechtzeitig
too soon {adv}vorschnell
too soon {adv}zu früh
F Soon-AnotherBaldanders {m}
coming soon {adv} [coll.]demnächst verfügbar
all too soon {adv}allzu bald
all too soon {adv}allzubald [alt]
all too soon {adv}viel zu bald
any time soon {adv}in absehbarer Zeit
any time soon {adv}in der nahen Zukunft
any time soon {adv}in nächster Zeit
any time soon {adv}in naher Zukunft
as soon as {conj}gleich als
as soon as {conj}so bald wie
as soon as {conj}sobald
as soon as {conj}sowie
Get well soon!Gute Besserung!
none too soon {adv}im letzten Augenblick
none too soon {adv}keinen Augenblick zu früh
See you soon!Auf bald!
See you soon!Bis bald!
See you soon!Bis gleich!
some time soon {adv}die Tage einmal [ugs.] [demnächst]
some time soon {adv}in nächster Zeit
soon-to-be {adj}angehend
soon-to-be {adj}bald werdend
soon-to-be {adj}baldig [zukünftig]
to speak too soonetw. beschreien [Unglück herbeireden]
soon-to-be {adj} [coll.]zukünftig
to crow too soon [idiom]sichAkk. zu früh freuen
a year too soon {adv}ein Jahr zu früh
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A 2018-09-10: was very soon in tears
A 2010-08-22: Oh, our media also tell us that very soon you will no longer exist, ...
Q 2009-10-02: Thank you for sending us an enquiry. We will revert back very soon.
A 2007-04-25: She will be giving birth to her first child very soon
A 2006-01-07: oh pleeeeease! I need it for school very soon! It would be sooo nice ;-) Thx
A 2005-09-20: I look forward to hearing from you very soon
A 2005-08-18: For email: 'You'll have the photo in your mailbox/in-box very soon!'
A 2005-08-18: You'll be getting the photo very soon in the mail!/ in the post (UK)
A 2004-11-09: I hope we'll hear something from each other very soon.

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