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English-German translation for: vessel
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Dictionary English German: vessel

Translation 1 - 50 of 325  >>

English German
NOUN   a vessel | vessels
SYNO   vas | vessel | vessel | watercraft
vessel [also anat., bot.]
Gefäß {n} [auch anat., bot.]
naut. vessel
Schiff {n}
Kessel {m}
naut. vessel
Wasserfahrzeug {n}
Behältnis {n}
aviat. vessel [airship]
Luftschiff {n}
naut. vessel
Fahrzeug {n} [Wasserfahrzeug]
naut. vessel
Seefahrzeug {n}
gastr. vessel [e.g., pot]
Geschirr {n} [veraltet] [Gefäß]
2 Words: Others
naut. by vessel {adv}per Schiff
2 Words: Nouns
naut. abandoned vesselverlassenes Schiff {n}
anat. abdominal vesselAbdominalgefäß {n}
chem. tech. absorption vesselAbsorptionsgefäß {n}
agate vesselAchatgefäß {n}
tech. air vesselWindkessel {m} [Kolbenpumpe]
mil. naut. armored vessel [Am.]Panzerschiff {n}
mil. naut. armoured vessel [Br.]Panzerschiff {n}
naut. auxiliary vesselBegleitboot {n}
tech. auxiliary vessel [in solar expansion vessels]Vorschaltgefäß {n} [in Solar-Ausdehnungsgefäßen]
photo. bleaching vesselBleichbehälter {m}
naut. blockading vesselblockierendes Schiff {n}
anat. blood vesselAder {f}
anat. blood vesselBlutader {f}
anat. zool. blood vesselBlutgefäß {n}
anat. blood vessel [Vas sanguineum]Blutbahn {f} [Blutgefäß]
brass vesselMessinggefäß {n}
brazen vesselMessinggefäß {n}
bronze vesselBronzegefäß {n}
calibrated vesselMessbehälter {m}
calibration vesselKalibriergefäß {n}
naut. capacious vesselgeräumiges Boot {n}
anat. capillary (vessel)Haargefäß {n} [feines Blutgefäß]
anat. capillary vesselKapillargefäß {n}
naut. cargo vesselFrachter {m}
naut. cargo vesselFrachtschiff {n}
naut. cargo vesselHandelsschiff {n}
electr. cell vesselZellgefäß {n}
ceramic vesselKeramikgefäß {n}
naut. chosen vesselgewähltes Schiff {n}
naut. coasting vesselKüstendampfer {m}
naut. coasting vesselKüstenfahrer {m} [Schiff]
naut. coasting vesselKüstenfahrzeug {n} [Küstenschiff]
naut. coasting vesselKüstenschiff {n}
tech. collecting vesselAuffangbehälter {m}
collecting vesselAuffanggefäß {n}
naut. combat vesselKriegsschiff {n}
condenser vesselKondensatorgefäß {n}
comm. naut. container vesselContainerschiff {n}
containment vesselSicherheitsbehälter {m}
tech. converter vesselKonvertergefäß {n}
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A 2023-05-02: Weird usage, I think you're bang on and he's using it as a generic organic...
Q 2021-02-04: marine vessel
Q 2020-02-22: Surf Launch vessel
A 2019-02-17: Für Arterie (oder auch Vene) sagt man auch verallgemeinernd Blutgefäß oder...
Q 2019-02-17: circumflex vessel
A 2017-02-20: ? Initially fill the container / vessel ... ?
Q 2016-01-02: ice-strengthened vessel
A 2015-05-10: Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel...
Q 2015-04-03: icebreaker vessel
Q 2014-10-27: "1 Liter Vessel" oder "1Liter Vessel" - ?
A 2014-02-26: Suspect Irregular Entry Vessel (SIEV)
Q 2014-02-26: suspect irregular entry vessel
A 2012-07-30: Causes and effects of unpunctual time vessel arrivals in container shipping.
A 2012-04-16: Vessel = sailboat
A 2012-04-16: Another possibility: As seen from an inbound vessel, the restaurant is on ...
A 2011-07-07: 1 is right, 2 is wrong. I would suggest using ship rather than vessel and ...
A 2011-05-26: under-vessel
A 2011-03-22: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22extraction+vessel%...
A 2010-11-03: kessel= vessel
Q 2010-09-13: documented vessel - undocumented vessel

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