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English-German translation for: vest
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Dictionary English German: vest

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

English German
NOUN   a vest | vests
VERB  to vest | vested | vested ... 
SYNO   to robe | to vest | vest | waistcoat ... 
to vest [power etc.]
verleihen [Macht, Rechte usw.]
to vest
to vest(sich) bekleiden
cloth. vest [Am.] [Aus.]
Weste {f}
cloth. vest [Br.]
Unterhemd {n}
cloth. vest [Br.]
Leibchen {n}
cloth. vest [Am.] [Aus.]
Wams {n} [regional] [Weste]
cloth. vest [poetical]
Gewand {n} [geh.]
cloth. vest [Am.] [Aus.]
Gilet {n} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst regional]
cloth. vest [Br.]
Leiberl {n} [österr.]
cloth. vest [Br.]
Unterjäckchen {n}
2 Words: Others
vest-pocket {adj} [attr.] [Am.]im Westentaschenformat [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
to vest sth. in sb.jdm. etw. übertragen
to vest sth. in sb.jdm. etw. verleihen
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. athletic vest [for men]Achselhemd {n} [für Herren]
cloth. ballistic vestballistische Schutzweste {f}
bomb vestBombenweste {f}
cloth. bulletproof vestbeschusshemmende Weste {f} [fachsprachlich]
cloth. bulletproof vestdurchschusshemmende Weste {f}
bulletproof vestkugelsichere Weste {f}
cloth. cotton vestBaumwollunterhemd {n}
cloth. crochet vest [Am.]Häkelweste {f}
weapons explosive vestSprengstoffweste {f}
weapons explosive vestSprengweste {f}
mil. frag vest [coll.]Splitterschutzweste {f}
mil. fragmentation vestSplitterschutzweste {f}
cloth. Kevlar® vest [bullet-resistant vest]Kevlarweste {f} [Kevlar®]
cloth. leather vestLederweste {f}
naut. life vestRettungsweste {f}
naut. life vestSchwimmweste {f}
protection vestSchutzweste {f}
cloth. protective vestSchutzleibchen {n} [vorwiegend schweiz., österr.]
protective vestSchutzweste {f}
cloth. reflective vestWarnweste {f}
cloth. sports running vest [Am.] [Aus.]Laufweste {f}
cloth. safety vestSicherheitsweste {f}
cloth. MedTech. sports sand vest [sand-filled weighted vest]Sandweste {f}
cloth. silk vest [Am.]Seidenweste {f}
cloth. string vestNetzhemd {n}
suicide vestSprengstoffgürtel {m}
cloth. suit vestAnzugweste {f}
cloth. sweater vestPullunder {m}
cloth. sweater vestWestover {m} [veraltet bzw. selten] [Pullunder]
cloth. vest pocketWestentasche {f}
cloth. vest pocketsWestentaschen {pl}
cloth. sports weight vestGewichtsweste {f}
cloth. wool vestWollweste {f}
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to vest sb. with powerjdm. Macht verleihen
3 Words: Nouns
mil. body armour vest [Br.]kugelsichere Weste {f}
bullet-proof vestkugelsichere Weste {f}
cloth. bullet-resistant vestbeschusshemmende Weste {f} [fachsprachlich]
cloth. fine rib vest [Br.]Feinripp-Unterhemd {n}
cloth. fur-lined vest [Am.]Fellweste {f} [Weste mit Fellfutter]
cloth. fur-trim vestWeste {f} mit Fellbesatz
cloth. heavy bulletproof vestkugelsichere Weste {f} mit Vorder- und Rückenschutz [ugs.]
cloth. high visibility vestWarnweste {f}
cloth. constr. FireResc high-visibility vest <HV vest>Signalweste {f}
Second Chance vestkugelsichere Weste {f} [des Herstellers Second Chance Inc.]
second chance vest [Am.]kugelsichere Weste {f}
cloth. mil. stab protection vestStichschutzweste {f}
vest-pocket dictionaryTaschenwörterbuch {n}
cloth. wrap-over vestWickelhemdchen {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to vest a right in sb.jdm. ein Recht übertragen
law to vest sb. with (an) authorityjdm. eine Vollmacht erteilen
to vest sb. with a titlejdm. einen Titel verleihen
to vest sb. with an authorityjdn. mit einer Befugnis ausstatten
4 Words: Nouns
mil. bulletproof / bullet proof vestschusssichere Weste {f}
cloth. faux fur-trim vestWeste {f} mit Kunstfellbesatz
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to hold / keep knowledge close to the vestsich bedeckt halten
idiom to play it close to the vest [fig.]sich bedeckt halten [fig.] [nicht verraten, was man fühlt / denkt]
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Q 2021-10-28: undercut leather corset vest
Q 2019-06-05: go vest
A 2016-04-16: vest - es war einmal .....
Q 2016-04-16: Fellweste = fur-lined vest ??
A 2014-06-09: vest .... ??
A 2013-03-18: spencer [short jacket, also a type of vest] http://www.dict.cc/?s=spencer
Q 2012-08-01: Vest with CB collar
A 2008-04-16: I'll never see someone in (what I would call) a vest top in the same light...
A 2007-12-25: 'Die zur 3rd Space Vest gehörige und mitgelieferte Software wird Ihnen in ...
A 2007-12-25: Software in and within a vest
Q 2007-12-25: Software in and within a vest
A 2005-09-07: Waistcoat UK / vest US > Weste; vest UK > Unterhemd, Leibchen
Q 2005-09-07: a sweater vest

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