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English-German translation for: vested
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Dictionary English German: vested

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
ADJ   vested | more vested | most vested
VERB  to vest | vested | vested ... 
vested {adj} {past-p}
vested {adj}
vested {adj} {past-p}
fin. vested {adj} [e.g. option, pension entitlement]
unverfallbar [z. B. Aktienoption, Anwartschaft auf Altersversorgung]
sb. vestedjd. bekleidete (sich)
2 Words
vested interestEigennutz {m}
vested interesteigennütziges Interesse {n}
vested interesterworbenes Recht {n}
comm. econ. vested interestgesichertes Recht {n}
psych. vested interesthedonistisches Interesse {n} [persönliche Betroffenheit]
vested interestpersönliches Interesse {n}
vested interestureigenes Interesse {n}
vested interestsEigeninteressen {pl}
econ. vested interestsKapitalinteressen {pl}
vested rightangestammtes Recht {n}
vested rightsBesitzstand {m}
3 Words
vested with powers {adj} [postpos.]mit Vollmacht versehen
fin. insur. vested benefits accountFreizügigkeitskonto {n} [schweiz.]
law Vested Benefits Act [Switzerland]Freizügigkeitsgesetz {n} <FZG> [schweiz.] [Bundesgesetz über die Freizügigkeit in der beruflichen Alters-, Hinterlassenen- und Invalidenvorsorge]
4 Words
law preservation of vested rightsBesitzstandswahrung {f}
law protection of vested rightsBesitzstandswahrung {f}
jobs law protection of vested rightsSchlechterstellungsverbot {n} [Besitzstandswahrung]
5+ Words
power and duty vested in a municipalityBefugnis und Pflicht der Gemeinde
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
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A 2011-07-18: vested remuneration
Q 2010-09-24: those in whom the authority of the Church is vested
A 2010-09-23: vested
Q 2010-09-23: fails to attain a vested interest
A 2009-05-23: Vested???
A 2008-10-23: Makes no sense at all with ' vested industries,' but a lot of sense with '...
A 2008-05-23: even Proteus (must be sleepy) missed my attempted pun with vestal/vested
A 2008-05-23: have a vested interest in midnight oil, then?
A 2008-05-23: sadly he has to disclose his thingy interests...definitely not vested, then?
A 2007-09-03: übergangen > ignored, passed over; übergegangen > passed down to, devolved...
Q 2006-04-18: vested interest
A 2006-03-26: savings account for vested pension benefits
A 2005-09-02: Prokura > general commercial power of representation; Prokurist > person v...
A 2005-01-14: Residing: to be vested, as a power or right: the authority that resides in...

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