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English-German translation for: vi
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Dictionary English German: vi

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SYNO   American Virgin Islands ... 
chem. potassium ferrate(VI) [K2FeO4]Kaliumferrat(VI) {n}
games Lovers <VI> [also: lovers] [Tarot card]Liebende {pl} <VI> [Tarotkarte]
games Twins <VI> [also: twins] [less frequent than: Lovers] [Tarot card]Liebende {pl} <VI> [Tarotkarte]
2 Words: Nouns
mineral. andorite VI [AgPbSb3S6]Andorit VI {m} [Senandorit]
chem. chromium(VI) fluoride [CrF6]Chrom(VI)-fluorid {n}
chem. chromium(VI) oxide [CrO3]Chrom(VI)-oxid {n}
ling. intransitive verb <vi>intransitives Verb {n} <vi>
chem. molybdenum(VI) fluoride [MoF6]Molybdän(VI)-fluorid {n}
chem. molybdenum(VI) oxide [MoO3]Molybdän(VI)-oxid {n}
chem. neptunium(VI) fluoride [NpF6]Neptunium(VI)-fluorid {n}
anat. biol. abducens (nerve) <CN VI, CNVI, VI> [Nervus abducens] [sixth cranial nerve]Nervus abducens {m} <VI>
anat. biol. abducent nerve <CN VI, CNVI, VI> [Nervus abducens] [less common for abducens nerve]Nervus abducens {m} <VI>
chem. osmium(VI) fluoride [OsF6]Osmium(VI)-fluorid {n}
hist. Philip VIPhilipp VI. {m}
chem. platinum(VI) fluoride [PtF6]Platin(VI)-fluorid {n}
chem. rhenium(VI) oxide [ReO3]Rhenium(VI)-oxid {n}
chem. rhodium(VI) fluoride [RhF6]Rhodium(VI)-fluorid {n}
chem. ruthenium(VI) fluoride [RuF6]Ruthenium(VI)-fluorid {n}
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve VI <CN VI, CNVI> [Nervus abducens] [sixth cranial nerve]sechster Hirnnerv {m} <VI. Hirnnerv>
chem. technetium(VI) fluoride [TcF6]Technetium(VI)-fluorid {n}
chem. tellurium(VI) oxide [TeO3]Tellur(VI)-oxid {n}
chem. uranium(VI) fluoride [UF6]Uran(VI)-fluorid {n}
chem. uranic oxide [UO3]Uran(VI)-oxid {n}
chem. uranium(VI) oxide [UO3]Uran(VI)-oxid {n}
geogr. Virgin Islands <.vi> [U.S.]US-Jungferninseln {pl}
chem. tungsten(VI) oxide [WO3]Wolfram(VI)-oxid {n}
chem. xenon(VI) oxide [XeO3]Xenon(VI)-oxid {n}
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. weapons heavy tank destroyer [Jagdpanzer VI "Hunting Tiger", WWII Germany]Jagdpanzer VI {m} Jagdtiger
hist. relig. Pope Adrian VIPapst {m} Hadrian VI.
hist. relig. Pope Paul VIPapst {m} Paul VI.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Howling VI: The Freaks [Hope Perello]Final Attack
film F Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives [Tom McLoughlin]Freitag der 13. Teil VIJason lebt
film F Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers [Joe Chappelle]Halloween VIDer Fluch des Michael Myers
lit. F King Henry VI [William Shakespeare]Heinrich VI.
film F Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered CountryStar Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land
film F Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi [Richard Marquand]Star Wars: Episode VIDie Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter
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A 2017-06-29: (viola) oculis propemodum latitata /(vĭ'ŏla) prŏpĕ'mŏdŭm lătĭ'tātă/
Q 2013-07-09: Filmsprachen mit aufnehmen? zB Klingonisch, Na’vi etc
A 2012-02-09: pick-up, vi , el. (e.g. relay, selenoid) : anziehen vi
A 2011-05-06: Vi- enna
A 2010-08-18: Abteilung VI, not IV.
A 2010-03-08: ser- vi- ces
A 2009-12-23: Cir|cu|lus vi|ti|o|sus, der; - -, ...li ...si (Zirkelschluss; Teufelskreis)
A 2009-04-11: vi
Q 2009-04-11: vi
A 2008-11-10: @ Vi Cr
A 2008-07-16: vielen lieben dank euch beiden! vi abbraccio...
A 2008-04-17: Du liebe Zeit, und hier ist das intransitive Gegenstück {vi}: http://www1....
A 2007-11-06: bei Schriftstücken eher: see data table (Annex VI)
A 2007-02-14: ...im Buch VI, offensichtlich.....
A 2007-02-14: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/laws.6.vi.html

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V. Hirnnerv
• VI
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