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English-German translation for: victims
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Dictionary English German: victims

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
NOUN   a victim | victims
Opfer {pl} [Geschädigte]
Geschädigte {pl}
victimsLeidtragende {pl}
victimsSchlachtopfer {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
accident victimsVerunfallte {pl} [amtsspr.] [bes. auch schweiz.]
crash victimsUnfallopfer {pl}
FireResc earthquake victimsErdbebenopfer {pl}
FireResc earthquake victimsOpfer {pl} des Erdbebens
famine victimsHungeropfer {pl}
flood victimsHochwasseropfer {pl}
drugs heroin victimsHerointote {pl}
human victimsMenschenopfer {pl} [Opfer an Menschenleben (durch Unfall, Krieg o. Ä.)]
hunger victimsHungeropfer {pl}
incest victimsInzestopfer {pl}
kidnap victimsEntführungsopfer {pl}
hist. March victims [victims of the revolution in Vienna and Berlin in 1848]Märzgefallene {pl}
mine victimsMinenopfer {pl}
murder victimsErmordete {pl}
murder victimsMordopfer {pl}
hist. Nazi victimsNaziopfer {pl} [auch: Nazi-Opfer]
hist. Nazi victimsNS-Opfer {pl}
rape victimsVergewaltigungsopfer {pl}
tornado victimsTornado-Opfer {pl}
twister victimsTornado-Opfer {pl}
law victims lawOpferrecht {n}
law victims' lawOpferrecht {n}
war victimsKriegsgefallene {pl}
war victimsKriegsopfer {pl}
3 Words: Others
with many victims {adj}opferreich
3 Words: Verbs
to claim many victimsviele Opfer fordern
3 Words: Nouns
hist. (Berlin) Wall victimsMaueropfer {pl}
help for victimsOpferhilfe {f}
hierarchy of victimsOpferhierarchie {f}
number of victimsOpferzahl {f}
protection of victimsOpferschutz {m}
sexual abuse victimsMissbrauchsopfer {pl}
FireResc victims buried alive [in an event of an earthquake, etc.]Verschüttete {pl}
victims of abuseMissbrauchsopfer {pl}
victims of crimesKriminalitätsopfer {pl}
victims of famineHungeropfer {pl}
victims of hungerHungeropfer {pl}
victims of incestInzestopfer {pl}
victims of opportunityGelegenheitsopfer {pl}
pol. victims of terrorismTerrorismusopfer {pl}
victims of tortureFolteropfer {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
victims of (the) plaguePestopfer {pl}
hist. victims of the HolocaustHolocaustopfer {pl}
hist. victims of the HolocaustOpfer {pl} des Holocaust
hist. victims of the HolocaustOpfer {pl} des Holocausts
med. victims of the plaguePestkranke {pl}
5+ Words: Others
Persons who were child victims of violence ...Personen, die als Kinder Opfer von Gewalt waren ...
The victims have yet to be identified.Die Opfer müssen noch identifiziert werden.
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. compensation and assistance for war victimssoziale Entschädigung {f} und Kriegsopferversorgung
Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism [January 27] [in Germany]Tag {m} des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus [27. Januar] [in Deutschland]
law Federal Act on Assistance to Victims of CrimeBundesgesetz {n} über die Hilfe an Opfer von Straftaten [Schweiz]
law Federal War Victims Relief ActBundesversorgungsgesetz {n} <BVG>
victims of an / the attackAnschlagsopfer {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Law & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: New York
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A 2020-01-20: Phrase used mostly by defenders of justice/system or potential victims
A 2020-01-13: " including the scraping out of the victims' intestines."
A 2018-08-12: [day of remembrance of the victims of National Socialism]?
Q 2017-06-28: Know any victims of the Amazon Echo horror Show?
A 2015-10-26: Swing shifts boost profits and ruin the health of the victims.
Q 2015-04-11: professional victims
A 2013-02-14: No one helps/is helping the victims.
Q 2012-07-18: Victims of Personal Violence Offences
A 2012-01-25: victim's legal representative / victims' legal representative
A 2011-09-30: @wandle: [victims and others] involved in the legal process. Do you see "v...
A 2011-09-30: "legal subject", but in the context of victims possibly: institutional off...
A 2011-04-07: victims?
A 2010-11-09: victims of the / this deception
A 2010-09-27: victims are perishing right there on the tarmac
A 2009-09-04: +victims+ need not be +casualties+ - they may simply suffer from major bur...
A 2009-09-04: Deliberate ignition of fire loads with accelerants while recklessly endang...
A 2009-04-17: Discrimination of black people means that the black people are the victims...
A 2009-04-16: additionally complemented by the hint, that victims who had survived hadn'...
Q 2009-01-31: Had the same problem today. Any other victims?
A 2007-10-03: victims of the advertising industry

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