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English-German translation for: victory
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Dictionary English German: victory

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NOUN   a victory | victories
SYNO   triumph | victory
Sieg {m}
Triumph {m}
Erfolg {m} [Sieg]
2 Words: Verbs
to achieve victoryden Sieg erringen
to ensure victoryden Sieg sichern
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. mil. aerial victory [successful aerial combat flight]Luftsieg {m} [auch: Sieger im Luftkampf]
mil. air victoryAbschuss {m} [Luftwaffe]
aviat. mil. air victoryLuftsieg {m}
mil. annihilative victoryVernichtungssieg {m}
sports away victoryAuswärtssieg {m}
bloodless victoryunblutiger Sieg {m}
hist. idiom Cadmean victoryKadmeischer Sieg {m}
sports championship victory [Formula One]Titelgewinn {m}
cheap victoryleichter Sieg {m}
sports clay victorySieg {m} auf Sand [Sieg auf einem Sandplatz]
complete victoryvoller Sieg {m}
idiom comprehensive victorySieg {m} auf ganzer Linie
sports cup victoryPokalsieg {m}
pol. sports decisive victoryGlanzresultat {n} [Sieg]
decisive victoryentschiedener Sieg {m}
easy victoryleichter Sieg {m}
easy victorymüheloser Sieg {m}
pol. election victoryWahlerfolg {m}
pol. election victoryWahlsieg {m}
pol. electoral victoryWahlsieg {m}
sports emphatic victoryKantersieg {m}
facile victoryleichter Sieg {m}
final victoryEndsieg {m}
sports first victoryDebütsieg {m}
hollow victorywertloser Sieg {m} [ähnlich Pyrrhussieg]
sports home victoryHeimsieg {m}
sports knockout victoryK.-o.-Sieg {m}
sports laboured victory [Br.]Arbeitssieg {m}
mil. land victoryLandsieg {m}
pol. landslide victoryErdrutschsieg {m}
pol. landslide victoryerdrutschartiger Sieg {m}
journ. sports maiden victoryPremierensieg {m}
moral victorymoralischer Sieg {m}
narrow victoryknapper Sieg {m}
mil. naval victorySeesieg {m}
near victoryBeinahe-Sieg {m}
sports Olympic victoryOlympiasieg {m}
sports overall victoryGesamtsieg {m}
partial victoryEtappensieg {m} [fig.]
partial victoryTeilsieg {m}
PR victoryPR-Sieg {m}
pol. primary victory [Am.]Vorwahlsieg {m}
pyrrhic victoryteuer erkaufter Sieg {m}
resounding victoryüberwältigender Sieg {m}
sports runaway victoryKantersieg {m}
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A 2015-11-09: It's a victory for the separatists all the same - Great Britain will change.
Q 2015-09-07: dazzling victory
Q 2015-05-03: He will continue to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
A 2015-04-25: Just short of a wonder, Bielefeld can already smell victory
A 2014-10-10: That makes sense: (Dedicated to) Belgrade recovered through victory in bat...
Q 2013-07-01: He had things together. One of his biographers called him "Organized Victory".
Q 2013-04-22: pole-to-chequered flag victory
A 2012-12-07: his victory was already certain or definite
A 2012-06-15: landslide - (hier) überwältigender Erfolg (wiez.B. in "landslide victory")
A 2010-08-24: http://www.google.com.au/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SKPB_en...
A 2010-06-19: Well: Brits on their way home, as French. Italians without victory so far....
A 2010-02-15: wobble along to victory
A 2009-09-30: According to this - http://www.victory-cruises.com/southern_area_informati...
A 2009-06-21: Technically, νικηφόρος / νῑκηφόρος (long ῑ sounds like ee) simply translat...
A 2009-06-21: "bringer of victory" if you can get that to fit, "victory bringing" if need be.
A 2009-06-21: Siegensgöttin - goddess of victory
A 2009-06-21: perhaps ...to the victory bringing Athena
A 2009-05-23: the Germans' expectation of victory
A 2009-03-08: to fight shooting to victory
A 2009-03-08: to shoot smb. to victory

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