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English-German translation for: village
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Dictionary English German: village

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NOUN   a village | villages
SYNO   Greenwich Village | Village | hamlet ... 
village {adj} [attr.]
village {adj} [attr.]
Dorf {n}
Ortschaft {f} [Dorf]
Siedlung {f} [Dorf]
villageOrt {m} [Ortschaft] [bes. Dorf]
village {sg} [village inhabitants] [coll.]Dorfbewohner {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
(small) villageDörfli {n} [schweiz.]
(village) headmanDorfvorsteher {m}
(village) settlementDorfsiedlung {f}
hist. abandoned villageWüstung {f}
abandoned villageverlassenes Dorf {n}
geogr. Alpine villageAlpendorf {n}
ancestral villageHeimatdorf {n}
geogr. Andean villageAndendorf {n}
art artists' villageKünstlerdorf {n}
geogr. border villageGrenzdorf {n}
geogr. Carpathian villageKarpatendorf {n}
archaeo. geogr. hist. Celtic villageKeltendorf {n}
checkerboard village [Am.]Schachbrettdorf {n}
chief villageHauptort {m} [einer kleinen Insel]
Children's VillageKinderdorf {n}
churchless villageDorf {n} ohne eigene Kirche
geogr. circular villageRundling {m}
geogr. clustered villageHaufendorf {n}
geogr. coast villageKüstendorf {n}
geogr. coastal villageKüstendorf {n}
RealEst. container villageContainerdorf {n}
country villageBauerndorf {n}
derelict villageverfallenes Dorf {n}
Druze villageDrusendorf {n}
dwindling villageaussterbendes Dorf {n}
geogr. Eifel villageEifeldorf {n}
hist. estate villageGutsdorf {n}
hist. ind. urban factory villageFabrikdorf {n}
farming villageBauerndorf {n}
fishermen's villageFischerdorf {n}
fishing villageFischerdorf {n}
fishing villageFischerort {m}
mil. fortified villageWehrdorf {n}
transp. freight villageGüterverkehrszentrum {n}
ghost villageGeisterdorf {n} [verlassenes Dorf]
global villageglobales Dorf {n}
gridiron villageSchachbrettdorf {n}
geogr. hist. hide villageHufendorf {n}
travel holiday villageFeriendorf {n}
home villageHeimatdorf {n}
home villageHeimatort {m}
travel TrVocab. igloo villageIglu-Dorf {n} [auch: Igludorf]
hist. pol. imperial village [Holy Roman Empire] [also: Imperial Village]Reichsdorf {n}
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A 2022-11-24: Dorf der kunstvollen Ölkrüge / village of the exquisite oil jugs
Q 2022-11-23: A village of pitchers
Q 2021-10-23: Hard lava rock cakes over Canary Island village
A 2020-07-09: A country, city, town, village.... can have residents;
A 2018-02-14: spindle-shaped village (cf. illustration)
A 2017-04-24: the village cross
A 2016-07-04: Oh? I have always thought America is a Dutch village, between Venlo and Ei...
Q 2016-05-16: village club
A 2016-01-05: Quiet or sleepy would work for a town or village.
A 2015-10-29: village with several lords
A 2014-10-01: Wraha Mala googles reasonably well. So you might put ... +the village of S...
A 2014-10-01: +Stroha+ is a village (Dorf) near Belgrade; the language spoken there is S...
A 2014-09-30: small village
A 2014-03-19: immer mit "of"; auch z.B. bei Dörfern und Kleinstädten: Village of Glencoe
Q 2014-02-21: Village Green Preservation Society
A 2013-10-14: That's true, but +holiday home village+ didn't sound right to me :-)
Q 2012-10-27: Potemkin Village / potemkinsches Dorf
A 2012-04-18: Close by, across the river, is the Bavarian village of Petting
Q 2012-04-18: Austrian village F---ing to vote on name change
A 2012-04-04: communities as in village or county maintenance departments

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