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English-German translation for: violent
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Dictionary English German: violent

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ADJ   violent | more violent | most violent
SYNO   violent | wild | crimson | red ... 
ADJ  violent | - | - ... 
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}
violent {adj}gewaltvoll
violent {adj}violent [geh.]
2 Words: Others
more violent {adj}gewaltsamer
most violent {adj}gewaltsamste
non-violent {adj}gewaltfrei
non-violent {adj}gewaltlos
non-violent {adj}nicht gewalttätig
non-violent {adj}ohne Gewalt
violent-tempered {adj}jähzornig
2 Words: Verbs
to get violenthandgreiflich werden
to turn violentgewalttätig werden
2 Words: Nouns
(violent) captorGeiselgangster {m}
(violent) kidnapperGeiselgangster {m} [Entführer]
violent abductiongewaltsame Entführung {f}
violent actGewaltakt {m}
violent actGewalttat {f}
violent actionsgewaltsame Handlungen {pl}
violent actsGewalttaten {pl}
violent altercationheftiger Streit {m}
violent approachungestümes Vordringen {n}
violent assaultGewaltübergriff {m}
violent attacksgewalttätige Angriffe {pl}
biol. psych. violent behavior [Am.]Gewaltverhalten {n}
biol. psych. violent behaviour [Br.]Gewaltverhalten {n}
violent blowheftiger Schlag {m}
sports violent conduct [football]Tätlichkeit {f}
sports violent conduct [soccer]gewaltsames Spiel {n} [übermäßig hartes u. brutales Verhalten im Fußball]
violent conflictgewaltsamer Konflikt {m}
violent contraststarker Gegensatz {m}
violent crimeGewaltkriminalität {f}
law violent crime [single act]Gewaltdelikt {n}
law violent crime [single act]Gewaltverbrechen {n}
violent crimes {pl} [collectively]Gewaltkriminalität {f} [(Gesamtheit der) Gewaltdelikte]
law violent criminalGewalttäter {m}
violent criminalGewaltverbrecher {m}
violent criminal [female]Gewaltverbrecherin {f}
violent criminalsGewaltkriminelle {pl}
violent deathgewaltsamer Tod {m}
violent debatehitzige Debatte {f}
law sociol. violent delinquencyGewaltdelinquenz {f}
violent disorder {sg} [Br.]Gewalttaten {pl}
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A 2020-06-15: violent
A 2015-03-11: combustion +fig.+ a state of violent disturbance and excitement +(Combusti...
A 2014-04-14: also hier: excessively violent, hurricane-force wind(s)
A 2014-04-14: Ein "gale" (Windstärke 8) ist ein eher 'milder' Sturm; stärker sind storm ...
A 2013-05-27: a riot is sometimes, but not necessarily violent. Oft nur im Sinne von Kra...
A 2012-03-23: non-violent
Q 2012-03-23: un-violent
A 2009-08-20: usual violent mysogynistic male chauvinist revenge fantasy, illiterate to ...
Q 2009-05-05: I'll take your head off - - YES! I am in a violent mood today haha :))
A 2008-08-14: also: violent act
A 2008-08-12: well, if not 'vandalism' ... perhaps 'violent destruction'
A 2008-02-20: Assoziation: MP sketch mit Doug & Dinsdale Piranha: 'Yes, it was violent. ...
A 2008-02-14: In my view, the books carrying racial slurs or violent content should be banned.
A 2006-12-12: @ Allan.....oh oh.. are we a bit violent today?

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• violent
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violent acts
violent altercation
violent approach
violent assault
violent attacks
violent behavior
violent behaviour

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