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English-German translation for: virtually
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Dictionary English German: virtually

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
SYNO   about | almost | most | near ... 
virtually {adv}
virtually {adv}
praktisch [so gut wie]
virtually {adv}
virtually {adv}
virtually {adv}
virtually {adv}
virtually {adv}
wirklich [praktisch, mehr oder weniger]
virtually {adv}
virtually {adv} [practically, almost]so gut wie
2 Words
virtually absent {adj}praktisch nicht vorhanden
virtually certainso gut wie sicher
virtually impossible {adj}praktisch unmöglich
virtually impossible {adj}so gut wie unmöglich
to virtually ceasebeinahe aufhören
3 Words
to be virtually zero [coll.]gegen Null gehen [ugs.]
5+ Words
on virtually every street corner {adv}an nahezu jeder Straßenecke
on virtually every street corner {adv}an praktisch jeder Straßenecke
on virtually every street corner {adv}an so gut wie jeder Straßenecke
virtually unnoticed by the public {adv}von der Öffentlichkeit nahezu unbemerkt
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Q 2017-11-21: virtually
A 2017-06-20: in virtually any case
A 2016-08-04: This Bible verse (Ecclesistes /Qoheleth resp. Predig Salomor/Koheleth] 1:2...
A 2015-04-02: So I virtually had no choice but to give a modest sum in order to back you...
Q 2011-07-25: virtually unique
A 2009-11-30: virtually
Q 2009-11-30: virtually rendered
A 2009-03-26: a choice of virtually unlimited space on a greenfield site
Q 2009-03-09: ....a line virtually mouthed ...
A 2008-08-27: dann: Virtually right from your entrance door / doorstep, there is easy ac...
A 2008-08-20: ..oh the image that springs to mind...virtually tilted, not quite laid back...
A 2008-08-12: guessing...next to nothing? virtually zero
A 2008-08-03: Mit Deiner Übersetzung beziehst Du *virtually* aber auf *are structured* ...
A 2008-08-03: Ich würde "virtually" auf "to meet" beziehen
A 2008-03-01: ... with virtually no loss
A 2007-07-03: virtually like in a test tube
A 2007-06-27: Having entered virtually every sector of American society they have breath...
A 2007-06-26: The experience and tradition of the company have virtually predestined the...
A 2007-06-25: virtually predestined
A 2007-03-20: Virtually enter is good, from anon.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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