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English-German translation for: visibility
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Dictionary English German: visibility

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

English German
NOUN   visibility | -
SYNO   visibility | visibleness | profile ... 
Sicht {f} [Sehweite]
Sichtbarkeit {f}
Sichtweite {f}
Fernsicht {f}
Sichtigkeit {f}
visibilityVisibilität {f} [geh.] [Sichtbarkeit, Wahrnehmbarkeit]
2 Words: Others
cloth. high-visibility {adj} [attr.]hochsichtbar
visibility zeroSichtbarkeit gleich Null
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. flight visibilityFlugsicht {f}
optics fringe visibility <FV> [interference visibility]Interferenzkontrast {m}
ground visibilityBodensicht {f}
optics interference visibility <IV>Interferenzkontrast {m}
optics interferometric visibilityInterferenzkontrast {m}
minimum visibilityMinimumsicht {f}
night visibilityNachtsichtbarkeit {f}
poor visibilityschlechte Sicht {f}
meteo. poor visibilityunsichtiges Wetter {n}
automot. rear visibilitySicht {f} nach hinten
vertical visibilityVertikalsicht {f}
visibility conditionsSichtbedingungen {pl}
visibility conditionsSichtverhältnisse {pl}
comp. math. visibility graphSichtbarkeitsgraph {m}
visibility limitSichtbarkeitsgrenze {f}
visibility minimaSichtminima {f}
tech. visibility periodSichtbarkeitsperiode {f}
math. visibility polygonSichtbarkeitspolygon {n}
comp. visibility problemSichtbarkeitsproblem {n}
visibility rangeSichtbereich {m}
visibility rangeSichtweite {f}
visibility thresholdSichtbarkeitsschwelle {f}
visibility variableSichtgröße {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to have good visibilitygute Sicht haben
3 Words: Nouns
meteo. abnormally good visibility <v>gute Fernsicht {f}
all-around visibility [esp. Am.]Rundumsicht {f}
all-round visibilityRundumsicht {f}
conditions of visibilitySichtbedingungen {pl}
cloth. high visibility vestWarnweste {f}
cloth. FireResc high-visibility clothingWarnkleidung {f}
cloth. high-visibility clothing <HV clothing>Signalkleidung {f}
high-visibility colour [Br.]hochsichtbare Farbe {f}
cloth. high-visibility jacketWarnjacke {f}
cloth. high-visibility trousers {pl} [one pair]Warnhose {f}
cloth. high-visibility trousers {pl} [one pair]Warnschutzhose {f}
cloth. constr. FireResc high-visibility vest <HV vest>Signalweste {f}
phys. traffic interference with visibility [e.g. in transport]Sichtbehinderung {f} [z. B. im Verkehr]
limit of visibilitySichtbarkeitsgrenze {f}
traffic line of visibility [Br.] [imaginary line beyond which cross traffic passing through a blind intersection becomes visible, as opposed to the official stop line]Sichtlinie {f} [im Ggs. zur Haltelinie]
math. polygon of visibilitySichtbarkeitspolygon {n}
poor visibility conditionsschlechte Sichtverhältnisse {pl}
aviat. runway visibility rangeLandebahnsicht {f}
optics phys. threshold of visibilitySichtbarkeitsschwelle {f}
MedTech. visibility of detailKontrasterkennbarkeit {f}
4 Words: Others
meteo. visibility reduced by smoke [WMO code 04]Sicht durch Rauch oder Asche vermindert
4 Words: Nouns
market. door-to-door visibilityvollständige Sendungsverfolgung {f}
light and visibility conditionsLicht- und Sichtverhältnisse {pl}
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A 2021-12-04: swathe / visibility (hedge) cutting
Q 2021-10-08: Adding Sam for visibility
A 2014-07-09: Visibility
Q 2013-09-20: to establish some kind of impact and visibility
Q 2013-07-10: rolling program plan which provides the visibility
Q 2010-01-28: High-visibility red/Yellow
Q 2009-10-26: get more visibility
A 2008-08-17: ". . . can be felt in limited visibility" would include night, fog, turne...
Q 2008-05-28: Visibility into...
A 2007-10-23: visibility through the glass must not be impaired by scratches
A 2007-09-08: hi-vis yoke / high-visibility yoke
A 2006-07-13: Perfect/Total Vista, Light and Vision / Visibility and Vision
A 2004-02-17: the high-visibility paint serving as a warning to aircraft

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