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English-German translation for: vivid
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Dictionary English German: vivid

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
ADJ   vivid | more vivid | most vivid
NOUN   vivid | vivids
SYNO   intense | vivid | bright | brilliant ... 
vivid {adj}
vivid {adj}
vivid {adj}
vivid {adj} [bright]
strahlend [Licht, Farben etc.]
vivid {adj} [imagination]
blühend [fig.] [Fantasie]
vivid {adj} [description]
klar [anschaulich]
vivid {adj}
plastisch [anschaulich]
vivid {adj} [intense]
wild [lebhaft, intensiv]
vivid {adj}
bildhaft [Vorstellung, Beschreibung, Sprache]
vivid {adj} [intense]
2 Words: Nouns
vivid bluelebhaftes Blau {n}
vivid colour [Br.]kräftige Farbe {f}
vivid descriptionlebhafte Beschreibung {f}
vivid examplelebendiges Beispiel {n}
vivid fantasyblühende Phantasie {f}
vivid fantasylebhafte Fantasie {f}
vivid feelingintensives Gefühl {n}
vivid imageanschauliches Bild {n}
vivid imagelebendiges Bild {n} [fig.]
vivid imaginationblühende Fantasie {f}
vivid imaginationlebhafte Phantasie {f}
vivid imaginationlebhafte Vorstellung {f}
vivid interestlebhaftes Interesse {n}
vivid lighthelles Licht {n}
vivid memorylebhafte Erinnerung {f}
vivid portraittreffend lebensnahes Portrait {n} [alt]
vivid portraittreffend lebensnahes Porträt {n}
vivid recollectionsdeutliche Erinnerung {f}
vivid remembranceklare Erinnerung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
vivid interest (in)lebhaftes Interesse {n} (an) [+Dat.]
vivid mental imageryKopfkino {n}
vivid mental images {pl}Kopfkino {n}
4 Words: Others
painted in vivid colors {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]bunt bemalt
painted in vivid colours {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]bunt bemalt
4 Words: Nouns
meteo. vivid flash of lightninggreller Blitz {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F A Vivid ImaginationStarke Einbildungskraft [G. Mahler]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
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A 2015-05-21: vivid spring green
A 2012-11-19: they give vivid descriptions of how the disease / illness was defeated / o...
A 2012-07-11: juicy oder vivid gehen auch
A 2011-08-19: vivid description - he is not a captain .....
A 2009-12-30: vivid ..?
A 2009-03-04: active, vivid consumer (e.g. somebody who buys another pair of $5 shoes ev...
A 2008-11-30: kann vivid nicht auch "intensiv" oder sowas heißen? Je nach dem..
A 2008-11-06: between 1922 and 1931 when the impression of Germany's defeat in WW I, fel...
A 2008-01-09: oder: to have a lively/vivid discussion (lebhaft)
A 2008-01-08: Maybe vivid colour
A 2007-02-20: brilliant, vivid
A 2005-09-10: woven in --- a precious, vivid look
A 2005-03-13: lively (vivid, active) company culture <<< JARGON
A 2005-03-13: lively (vivid, active) company culture <<< JARGON
A 2004-09-30: the VIVID imagination of a VIVACIOUS person

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