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English-German translation for: waffle
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Dictionary English German: waffle

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
NOUN   a waffle | waffles
VERB  to waffle | waffled | waffled ... 
SYNO   to hesitate | to waffle | to waver
to waffle
to waffle
gastr. waffle
Waffel {f}
waffle [Br.] [coll.]
Geschwafel {n} [ugs.]
waffle [Br.] [coll.]
Geschwätz {n}
gastr. waffle
Schnitte {f} [österr.]
waffle [Br.] [coll.]Schmus {m} [ugs.] [Geschwafel]
2 Words: Verbs
to waffle (on) [Br.] [coll.]quasseln (über) [ugs.]
to waffle (over) [Am.] [coll.]zweideutige Aussagen machen (über)
to waffle on [Br.] [coll.]schwafeln [ugs.]
to wiffle-waffle [sl.] [pej.]schwafeln [ugs.] [pej.]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. Belgian waffle [chiefly Am.]belgische Waffel {f}
gastr. chocolate waffleSchokoladenwaffel {f}
gastr. Liège waffle [Belgian sugar waffle]Lütticher Waffel {f}
gastr. nut waffleNusswaffel {f}
gastr. potato waffleKartoffelwaffel {f}
gastr. waffle batterWaffelteig {m}
textil. waffle clothWaffelstoff {m} [Waffelpikee]
textil. waffle clothWaffeltuch {n} [Waffelpikee]
gastr. waffle coneWaffeltüte {f}
gastr. waffle cupWaffelschale {f}
textil. waffle fabricWaffelpikee {m} [österr. auch {n}]
textil. waffle fabricWaffelstoff {m} [Waffelpikee]
gastr. waffle floorWaffelboden {m}
gastr. waffle fries [Am.]Waffel-Pommes {pl}
waffle ironWaffeleisen {n}
gastr. waffle makerWaffeleisen {n}
waffle makersWaffeleisen {pl}
cloth. waffle robeBademantel {m} [aus Waffelpique]
gastr. waffle shopWaffelrestaurant {n}
wiffle waffle [esp. Br.] [sl.] [pej.]Geschwafel {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. waffle batter recipeWaffelteigrezept {n}
archi. constr. waffle-slab ceilingKassettendecke {f}
cloth. waffle-weave patternWaffelmuster {n}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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A 2021-12-09: Waffle – citing wikipedia as source!
A 2020-06-23: original sentence a waffle
A 2015-10-20: Waffle
A 2015-08-17: From Wafers to Cones: A Short History of the Waffle
Q 2015-08-17: waffle / wafer
Q 2013-10-02: pure waffle?
A 2012-10-13: Typo - waffle http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/waffle?q=waffle
A 2012-01-05: blethering / waffle on / prate (on) ....
A 2010-01-07: waffle
A 2009-07-31: waffle IS a good word
A 2009-07-30: why didn't you say so, johnno? in the land of OZ of course it's WAFFLE, a ...
A 2009-02-18: Variant: http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=...
A 2009-02-18: egghead talk/discussion/waffle
A 2009-02-18: intellectual claptrap / blether(ing) / waffle / hot air / drivel / gibberish ...
A 2008-06-15: Well, on the other hand, you'll get your ass kicked there in case you can'...
A 2008-06-14: A +waffle course+, so to speak
A 2006-07-06: and not to confuse with "waffle" > endloses dummes Geschwätz
A 2005-12-28: letter in which he went as far as to babble / waffle about wanting to ...

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