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English-German translation for: wage
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Dictionary English German: wage

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NOUN   a wage | wages
VERB  to wage | waged | waged ... 
SYNO   to engage | to wage | earnings | pay ... 
to wage
fin. jobs wage
Lohn {m} [Arbeitsentgelt]
fin. wage
Gehalt {n}
Arbeitsentgelt {n}
Werklohn {m}
2 Words: Others
econ. jobs high-wage {adj}Hochlohn-
I daresay ...Ich wage zu sagen ...
econ. jobs low-wage {adj} [attr.]schlecht bezahlt
wage-dependent {adj}lohnabhängig
wage-earning {adj}lohnempfangend
econ. wage-reducing {adj}lohnsenkend
econ. wage-related {adj}lohnbezogen
2 Words: Verbs
mil. to wage warKrieg führen
2 Words: Nouns
annual wageJahreslohn {m}
apprentice wageLehrlingslohn {m}
average wageDurchschnittslohn {m}
average wageMittellohn {m}
base wageEcklohn {m}
basic wageGrundlohn {m}
jobs basic wageGrundvergütung {f}
beggarly wagearmselige Entlohnung {f}
bonus wagePrämienlohn {m}
breadline wageHungerlohn {m}
ceiling wageHöchstlohn {m}
combination wageKombilohn {m}
econ. fin. contract wageVertragslohn {m}
daily wageTageslohn {m}
day wageTagelohn {m}
day-wageTagelohn {m}
day's wageTageslohn {m}
jobs dismissal wageAbfindung {f}
econ. effective wageEffektivlohn {m}
jobs entry wageEinstiegsgehalt {n}
gross wageBruttogehalt {n}
gross wageBruttolohn {m}
hourly wageStundenlohn {m}
hourly wageStundensatz {m}
incentive wageErfolgslohn {m}
incentive wageLeistungslohn {m}
incentive wageleistungsabhängige Lohnform {f}
incentive wageBezahlung {f} nach Leistung
incentive wageEntlohnung {f} auf Leistungsgrundlage
econ. jobs initial wageAnfangslohn {m}
jobs sociol. living wageExistenzlohn {m}
jobs sociol. living wageExistenzminimum {n}
fin. jobs living wageLohn {m}, der die Lebenshaltung deckt
econ. pol. sociol. low wageBilliglohn {m} [ugs.]
ludicrous wagelächerliche Entlohnung {f}
maximum wageHöchstlohn {m}
jobs maximum wageMaximallohn {m}
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A 2023-01-20: Ich wage zu widersprechen.
A 2021-06-21: wage scale worker
A 2015-09-14: +wirtschaftspolitische Akteure+ = +experts in wage and social policy+ ??? ...
A 2015-08-18: "Leserführung" mag in der Schweiz vorkommen, ich wage jedoch zu bezweifeln...
A 2015-06-17: So let's call it the +collective wage and work agreement+
A 2015-06-17: In addition to an obligation to respect the collective wage agreement, th...
A 2015-04-03: Das wage ich zu bezweifeln, Proteus.
A 2015-03-01: fight/wage a merciless war
A 2014-09-19: Before, no one wanted to talk about a minimum wage - it was a taboo subject.
A 2013-08-16: Suggest "In accordance with the final wage compilation,..."
A 2013-05-08: +low-wage sector+ seems to be perfectly acceptable
A 2013-05-08: subminimum wage segment
A 2013-03-21: college wage premium
Q 2013-03-21: College Wage Premium
Q 2013-03-14: Wage es deinen Verstand zu gebrauchen.
A 2012-08-09: AVAB --> sole wage earner tax allowance; AEAB --> single parent tax allowa...
A 2012-04-19: payslip/pay stub vs. wage statement
A 2012-04-19: no, wage statement it is...
A 2012-01-18: usually Referent for s.th. (e.g. wage policy, environment, corporate law etc.)
A 2011-10-21: wage/salary garnishment

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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