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English-German translation for: wages
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Dictionary English German: wages

Translation 1 - 50 of 164  >>

English German
NOUN   a wage | wages
VERB  to wage | waged | waged
waging | wages
SYNO   payoff | reward | wages
sb. wages
jd. führt
fin. jobs wages {pl}
Lohn {m} [Arbeitsentgelt]
Gehälter {pl}
Löhne {pl}
wages {pl}
Entlohnung {f}
wages {pl}
Verdienst {m} [Lohn]
2 Words: Verbs
to curtail wagesLöhne kürzen
to decontrol wagesLöhne freigeben
fin. jobs to draw wagesLohn beziehen
to mend wagesLohn aufbessern
to raise wagesLohn erhöhen
to reduce wagesdie Löhne senken
to stabilize wagesLöhne stabilisieren
to transfer wagesLöhne überweisen
2 Words: Nouns
actual wages {pl}Effektivlohn {m}
actual wages {pl}Reallohn {m}
adequate wages {pl}angemessene Entlohnung {f}
agreed wages {pl}Tariflohn {m}
agreed wages {pl}tariflich vereinbarter Lohn {m}
apprentice's wages {pl}Lehrlingsentgelt {n}
educ. jobs apprentice's wages {pl}Lehrlingsentschädigung {f} [österr.]
average wages {pl}Durchschnittslohn {m}
back wagesausstehende Löhne {pl}
back wages {pl}Lohnrückstand {m}
basic wages {pl}Grundlohn {m}
boarding wages {pl}Kostgeld {n}
commencing wages {pl}Anfangslohn {m}
contractual wages {pl}vertraglich festgelegter Lohn {m}
daily wagesTageslöhne {pl}
daily wages {pl}Tagelohn {m}
daily wages {pl}Tageslohn {m}
daily wages {pl}Taglohn {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [Tageslohn]
day's wages {pl}Tageslohn {m}
decent wagesreichliche Löhne {pl}
decreasing wagessinkende Löhne {pl}
econ. dumping wagesDumpinglöhne {pl}
employee's wages {pl}Arbeitslohn {m}
extra wages {pl}Lohnaufschlag {m}
famine wages {pl}Hungerlohn {m}
fixed wagesfeste Löhne {pl}
fixed wages {pl}Festlohn {m}
gross wages {pl}Bruttolohn {m}
guaranteed wagesgarantierte Löhne {pl}
guaranteed wages {pl}garantierter Lohn {m}
hourly wages {pl}Stundenlohn {m}
econ. jobs living wagesexistenzsichernde Löhne {pl}
local wages {pl}ortsüblicher Lohn {m}
low wagesniedrige Löhne {pl}
low wages {pl}Niedriglohn {m}
low wages {pl}geringer Lohn {m}
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Q 2018-03-07: ten percent cut in wages 10 Prozent Lohnkürzung
A 2012-08-31: Suits: people with no technical abilities who control the budgets and get ...
A 2012-01-20: ? set off (current) wages against (current) pension payouts
A 2012-01-20: to count wages against pension?
Q 2011-08-14: They insist that wages be set based on what the protesters think people de...
A 2011-03-26: set wages running
A 2010-05-23: whose money ( = pensions and wages) is easiest to lay hands on
A 2010-05-11: table wages
A 2010-01-29: Wages and year-end bonus
A 2009-12-17: +Hoke negotiates for higher wages.+ ist richtig. Wenn er es gerade jetzt t...
A 2009-05-26: Payments like wages and other social securities which,in the past, were de...
A 2009-02-03: How is the calculation of wages and salaries carried out / undertaken?
A 2008-05-15: deferred / saved salary / wages
A 2007-12-30: back wages > noch ausstehender Lohn (den die Fernsehfritzen ihnen für gele...
Q 2007-12-30: back wages
Q 2007-06-30: downward rigidity of nominal wages
Q 2007-05-13: compress the structure of wages
A 2007-04-03: pays him the wages
A 2007-03-09: low-pay/wages countries
A 2007-01-08: Also that wages have risen, as well no. of jobs.

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