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English-German translation for: wait
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Dictionary English German: wait

Translation 1 - 50 of 190  >>

English German
NOUN   a wait | waits
VERB  to wait | waited | waited ... 
SYNO   to wait | to waitress | wait | waiting ... 
Wait! [just a moment]
Internet wait <w8>
to wait
to wait
ausharren [geh.]
to wait
Warten {n}
wait [period of waiting]
Wartezeit {f}
rail wait
Aufenthalt {m} [Warten auf Anschluss]
Verzögerung {f}
mus. wait [Br.]
Stadtpfeifer {m}
2 Words: Others
I'll wait. [e.g., on the phone]Ich warte. [z. B. am Telefon]
in wait {adv}auf der Lauer
Just wait!Warte nur!
Wait up!Warte (doch)!
2 Words: Verbs
to make sb. waitjdn. warten lassen
to wait eagerlygespannt warten
to wait for sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. warten
to wait for sb./sth. [intending to seize the right moment; German usually in future or past, not in present]jdn./etw. abpassen
to wait for sth.etw.Akk. erwarten
to wait for sth. [a decision etc.]etw.Akk. abwarten
to wait on [continue to wait]noch (weiter) warten
to wait on sb.jdm. dienen [jdn. bedienen]
gastr. to wait on sb.jdn. bedienen [als Kellner bzw. Kellnerin]
to wait on sb. [serve sb. at meals]jdm. aufwarten [veraltend] [(einen Gast) bedienen]
to wait on sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. warten
to wait patientlyzuwarten
to wait patientlygeduldig warten
to wait quietlyruhig warten
to wait sth. outetw.Akk. aussitzen [ugs.] [abwarten]
to wait sth. outdas Ende von etw. abwarten
to wait sth. outwarten, bis etw. vorbei ist
jobs to wait tableskellnern [ugs.]
gastr. jobs to wait tablesals Kellner arbeiten
to wait untilwarten bis
to wait until ...zuwarten, bis ... [abwarten]
to wait upon sb.jdm. seine Aufwartung machen
to wait-list sb.jdn. auf die Warteliste setzen
2 Words: Nouns
agonizing waitquälendes Warten {n}
lock waitSperrzeit {f}
lock waitZeitlimit {n} für eine Sperrung
long waitlange Wartezeit {f}
theatre stage wait[unbeabsichtigte Pause während einer Aufführung]
wait actionWartefunktion {f}
comp. wait callWarteaufruf {m}
comp. wait functionWartefunktion {f}
comp. wait instructionWartebefehl {m}
wait listWarteliste {f}
wait listWarteschlange {f}
wait loopWarteschleife {f}
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A 2024-07-14: Wait for it.
Q 2024-03-01: Please wait 1-2 minutes.
A 2020-10-28: I (really) can't wait for your answer
A 2020-03-14: +Wait on+ rather than +wait for+ is in used in some parts of America,
A 2020-03-03: Or are we Brownies? Wait, that was... something else. :)
A 2018-09-25: Let's wait for a Br./Am. native speaker to be sure.
Q 2018-05-04: lying in wait and stalking [deer] Auflauern und Anpirschen
Q 2017-10-03: Can't wait to...
Q 2017-04-25: It's been a long wait.
A 2016-11-09: Wait and see
A 2016-11-07: wait
Q 2016-11-07: Please wait (to a colleague)
A 2016-03-15: Unplug the printer (from the mains), wait a few seconds, then plug it in again.
Q 2016-03-08: I can't wait to hear all about it
A 2015-12-16: I can't wait to see/find out...
A 2015-10-17: @kkava: just wait for Paul, I'm sure he'll change them within a minute. No...
Q 2015-06-19: We wait for You
A 2015-06-14: But maybe you should wait for a native speaker to confirm/improve it, as I...
A 2015-02-13: Can hardly wait.
A 2015-01-09: Wait one minute!

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