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English-German translation for: walls
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Dictionary English German: walls

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

English German
NOUN   a wall | walls
VERB  to wall | walled | walled
walling | walls
Wände {pl}
Mauern {pl}
archi. walls {pl}
Gemäuer {n}
walls {pl} [collectively]Wandung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
relig. abbey wallsKlostermauern {pl}
bedroom wallsSchlafzimmerwände {pl}
mil. blast wallsExplosionsschutzwälle {pl}
archi. mil. blast wallsExplosionsschutzwände {pl}
mil. blast wallsSplitterschutzwälle {pl}
mil. blast wallsSplitterschutzwände {pl}
boundary wallsGrundstücksmauern {pl}
geol. canyon wallsSchluchtwände {pl}
archi. castle wallsBurgmauern {pl}
econ. stocks Chinese wallsInformationsbarrieren {pl}
city wallsStadtmauern {pl}
city walls {sg} [of a single city]Stadtmauer {f}
relig. convent wallsKlostermauern {pl}
constr. RealEst. damp wallsfeuchte Wände {pl}
defacing wallsdas Beschmieren {n} von Wänden
earth wallsErdwälle {pl}
exhibition wallsAusstellungswände {pl}
fire wallsBrandmauern {pl}
foundation wallsGrundmauern {pl}
house wallsHausmauern {pl}
house wallsHauswände {pl}
movable wallsStellwände {pl}
outer wallsAußenwände {pl}
engin. partition wallsTrennwände {pl}
constr. shear wallsschall- und vibrationsarme Wände {pl}
tariff wallsZollgrenzen {pl}
tariff wallsZollmauern {pl}
tariff wallsZollschranken {pl}
archi. temple wallsTempelwände {pl}
archi. Theodosian Walls {pl}Theodosianische Mauer {f}
town wallsStadtmauern {pl}
geogr. valley wallsTalscheiden {pl}
anat. med. vessel wallsGefäßwände {pl}
3 Words: Others
behind towering wallshinter turmhohen Mauern
proverb Walls have ears.Wände haben Ohren.
with thin walls {adj} [postpos.]dünnwandig
within the walls {adv}innerhalb der Mauern
3 Words: Verbs
to climb the walls [coll.] [idiom]die Wände hochgehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to line the wallsdie Wände bedecken
to walk through wallsdurch Wände gehen
3 Words: Nouns
living room wallsWohnzimmerwände {pl}
lock chamber wallsSchleusenkammerwände {pl}
sheer rock wallssteile Felswände {pl}
archi. hist. Walls {pl} of ConstantinopleTheodosianische Mauer {f}
Walls of BabylonStadtmauern {pl} von Babylon
4 Words: Verbs
to address the four wallsdie vier Wände anreden
to bounce off the walls [fig.]aufgedreht sein [ugs.] [fig.]
4 Words: Nouns
abolition of tariff wallsAbschaffung {f} der Zollschranken
archi. constr. attic with knee wallsDrempelgeschoss {n}
archi. developed view of wallsWandabwicklung {f}
constr. drying out of wallsMauerentfeuchtung {f}
constr. drying out of wallsMauertrockenlegung {f}
walls clad in ivymit Efeu bewachsene Mauern {pl}
walls hung with picturesmit Bildern behangene Wände {pl}
walls hung with picturesmit Bildern behängte Wände {pl}
walls of the premisesGrundstücksmauern {pl}
anat. med. walls of the vesselsGefäßwände {pl}
5+ Words: Others
built on the town walls {adj} [postpos.]auf der Stadtmauer errichtet
hist. mil. urban He razed the walls of the city.Er schleifte die Mauern der Stadt.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be ranged along the walls [bookcases etc.]sich an den Wänden entlangziehen
to live in one's own four wallsin seinen (eigenen) vier Wänden leben
to live in one's own four wallsin seinen (eigenen) vier Wänden wohnen
5+ Words: Nouns
walls of a / the castleBurgmauern {pl}
walls of a / the palacePalastmauern {pl}
anat. med. walls of the blood vesselsBlutgefäßwände {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Rats in the Walls [H. P. Lovecraft]Die Ratten im Gemäuer
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A 2017-11-27: During a real cold spell, icicles in all shades of yellow grace the pipes ...
Q 2016-09-23: Ach Herrjeh: "butting blank walls ..." ?
A 2014-11-04: masonry / walls ruined by fire
A 2014-11-04: the walls of the houses seemed not to have been overly exposed to the heat
Q 2013-10-19: I broke his walls
A 2013-08-15: allowance for walls
A 2013-06-08: should be "stop bar / ground bar" - a bar that stops the load from touchin...
Q 2012-12-04: Walls in Interpersonal Relationships
A 2012-05-24: so, the line where the ceiling meets the walls?
A 2012-03-13: Tracing the foundations of the stone walls of a Roman farm at L. will be l...
A 2012-01-25: unfinished, rough? floors, walls, ceilings...
A 2011-12-15: fronting walls
A 2011-12-14: In AE, they would be "false walls."
A 2011-09-14: K, basically it's oxygen getting to the silage at the open face and throug...
Q 2011-09-10: kick walls
A 2011-07-05: What if the spotlights are in the walls or even in the floor?
A 2011-04-18: fool's hands smear table and walls
A 2010-08-25: Put simply: water rises in the walls
A 2010-03-26: it's probably a corner stone that holds two walls in place where they meet...
A 2010-01-28: I've noticed 'bespielen' used in the sense of 'placing art on the walls / ...

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