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English-German translation for: war diamond
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Dictionary English German: war diamond

Translation 1 - 50 of 1406  >>

NOUN   a war diamond | war diamonds
mineral. war diamondKriegsdiamant {m} [Blutdiamant]
Partial Matches
entom. T
entom. T
diamond {adj}demanten [geh.]
diamond {adj}diamanten
diamondDemant {m} [poet.] [veraltet]
mineral. diamondDiamant {m}
diamondStern {m}
diamond {adj} [rhombic]rautenförmig
diamond {adj} [attr.]Diamant-
tech. diamond {adj} [attr.]diamantiert
diamond [rhombus]Raute {f}
geol. diamond-bearing {adj}diamanthaltig
mineral. diamond-carrying {adj}diamanthaltig
tech. diamond-coated {adj}diamantbeschichtet
diamond-coated {adj}diamantiert
geol. diamond-containing {adj}diamanthaltig
diamond-covered {adj}diamantiert
diamond-cut {adj}diamantgeschliffen
diamond-like {adj}diamantähnlich
diamond-like {adj}diamantartig
diamond-patterned {adj}mit Rautenmuster [nachgestellt]
diamond-patterned {adj}rautengemustert
diamond-shaped {adj}diamantenförmig
diamond-shaped {adj}diamantförmig
diamond-shaped {adj}rautenförmig
diamond-studded {adj}diamantbesetzt
mineral. tools abrasive diamondSchleifdiamant {m}
artificial diamondkünstlicher Diamant {m}
black diamondschwarzer Diamant {m}
mineral. conflict diamondKonfliktdiamant {m}
mineral. Cullinan DiamondCullinan-Diamant {m}
cut diamondgeschliffener Diamant {m}
tech. decision diamondEntscheidungsraute {f}
tech. diamond bitDiamantbohrkrone {f}
diamond brokerDiamantenmakler {m}
tech. tools diamond brushDiamantbürste {f}
dent. tech. diamond burrDiamantbohrer {m}
diamond cutDiamantschliff {m}
jobs tools diamond cutterDiamantenschleifer {m}
diamond cutterDiamantschleifer {m}
geol. mining diamond depositDiamantenlagerstätte {f}
geol. mining diamond depositDiamantenvorkommen {n}
geol. tech. diamond drillDiamantbohrer {m}
ind. material diamond dustDiamantenstaub {m} [beim Schleifen von Diamanten anfallender Staub]
meteo. diamond dustDiamantschnee {m}
ind. meteo. diamond dustDiamantstaub {m}
diamond earringDiamantohrring {m}
comm. diamond exchangeDiamantenbörse {f}
diamond exhibitionDiamantenausstellung {f}
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