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English-German translation for: ward off a blow
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Dictionary English German: ward off a blow

Translation 1 - 50 of 35801  >>

Keywords contained
to ward off a bloweinen Hieb abwehren
to ward off a bloweinen Schlag abwehren
to ward off the blowden Schlag abwehren
Partial Matches
to ward off a dangereine Gefahr abwenden
to blow the dust off a bookden Staub von einem Buch blasen
to ward offbannen [abwenden]
to ward offerwehren [geh.]
to ward sth. offetw.Akk. abwenden
to ward off evildas Böse abwehren
to ward off misunderstandingsMissverständnissen entgegenwirken
to ward off sb./sth.jdn./etw. abwehren
to ward sb./sth. offsichAkk. jds./etw. erwehren [geh.]
to ward off an attackeinen Angriff abwehren
to ward off bad luckUnheil abwenden
tech. to blow offabblasen
to blow offverschwinden lassen
constr. tech. blow-offAbstrahlen {n}
tech. blow-off-proof {adj}ausblassicher
blow-off capacityAbblaseleistung {f} [eines Ventils]
blow-off cockLuftablasshahn {m}
blow-off controlAbblasesteuerung {f}
blow-off deviceAbblasevorrichtung {f}
blow-off pipeAbblaserohr {n}
blow-off pressureAbblasedruck {m}
blow-off rateAbblaseleistung {f} [eines Kessels]
blow-off steamAbblasedampf {m}
blow-off systemAbblaseeinrichtung {f}
tech. blow-off valveAbblaseventil {n}
blow-off valveLuftausblaseventil {n}
blow-off valveLuftausblasventil {n}
tech. blow-off valveÜberdruckventil {n}
law agency to ward off danger [agency without specific authorisation] [German civil code]Geschäftsführung {f} zur Gefahrenabwehr [bei Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag] [BGB]
to blow sth. off [lit.]etw. wegblasen
to blow the dust offden Staub wegblasen
tech. blow-off control valveAbblaseregelventil {n}
blow-off piping / lineAbblaseleitung {f}
tech. blow-off pressure regulatorAbblasedruckregler {m}
to blow off [Br.] [coll.] [fart]furzen [derb]
to blow sb. off [chase away]jdn. verjagen
to blow sb./sth. off [Am.] [coll.]jdn./etw. ignorieren
tech. to blow off (steam) [e.g. locomotive]Dampf ablassen [z. B. Lokomotive]
blow-off operation [gas / steam outlet]Abblasebetrieb {m} [Gas- / Dampfaustritt]
to blow off (one's) steam [idiom]sichAkk. abreagieren
to blow off one's steam [idiom]Dampf ablassen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
tech. turbine by-pass blow-off valveAbblaseabsperrventil {n}
to blow sth. off [sl.] [skip, not attend]etw. auslassen [schwänzen, nicht hingehen]
to blow off (one's) steam [coll.] [idiom]sichDat. Luft machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
tech. blow-off stop valve [gas / steam outlet]Abblaseabsperrventil {n} [Gas- / Dampf-Austritt]
idiom to blow / take the lid off sth. [fig.]etw. aufdecken [fig.]
to blow sb.'s head off / away [with a gun]jdm. den Schädel wegpusten [ugs.]
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