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English-German translation for: warden of a youth hostel
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warden of a youth hostel in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: warden of a youth hostel

Translation 1 - 50 of 89703  >>

warden of a youth hostelHerbergsvater {m} [einer Jugendherberge]
warden of a youth hostelJugendherbergsvater {m}
warden of the youth hostelHerbergsvater {m} [der Jugendherberge]
Partial Matches
travel TrVocab. youth hostelJugendherberge {f}
travel youth hostelJugendhotel {n}
TrVocab. to youth-hostel [coll.]in Jugendherbergen übernachten
travel TrVocab. youth hostel cardJugendherbergsausweis {m}
youth hostel wardensHerbergseltern {pl}
travel Youth Hostel Association <YHA>Jugendherbergsverband {m}
travel German Youth Hostel AssociationDeutsches Jugendherbergswerk {n} <DJH>
travel International Youth Hostel Federation <IYHF>Internationaler Jugendherbergsverband {m}
hist. air raid protection warden <ARP warden> [Br.]Luftschutzwart {m}
jobs warden at a zooZoowärter {m}
jobs warden in a museumMuseumsaufseher {m}
educ. Unverified stay at a country hostel [esp. for students]Schullandheimaufenthalt {m}
rules and regulations {pl} of the home / hostelHeimordnung {f}
as a youth {adv}als junger Mensch [als junger Mann bzw. Jugendlicher]
to act like a youthsich wie ein Jugendlicher benehmen
lit. F A Youth in GermanyEine Jugend in Deutschland [Ernst Toller] [Autobiographie]
of my youthaus meiner Jugend
bloom of youthjugendliche Schönheit {f}
corrupter of youthSittenverderber {m} [pej.]
corruption of youthJugendgefährdung {f}
days of youthJugendtage {pl}
dedication of youthHingabe {f} der Jugend
educ. education of youthJugenderziehung {f}
flush of youthJugendblüte {f}
fountain of youthJungbrunnen {m}
myth. fountain of youthLebensbrunnen {m} [Jungbrunnen]
myth. fountain of youthQuelle {f} der ewigen Jugend
myth. goddess of youthGöttin {f} der Jugend
strength of youthJugendkraft {f}
fountain of youth [fig.]Gesundbrunnen {m} [fig.]
friends of my youthJugendfreunde {pl} von mir
pol. Ring of Political YouthRing {m} politischer Jugend <RPJ>
youth of great hopesvielversprechender junger Mensch {m}
art F The Fountain of YouthDer Jungbrunnen [Lucas Cranach d. Ä.]
days of one's youthJugendjahre {pl}
days of one's youthTage {pl} der Jugend
friend of one's youthJugendfreund {m}
memories of one's youthJugenderinnerungen {pl}
sin of one's youthJugendsünde {f}
The secret of eternal youth.Das Geheimnis ewiger Jugend.
hist. Communist Youth Federation of GermanyKommunistischer Jugendverband {m} Deutschlands
the love of his youthseine Jugendliebe {f}
friend of one's youth [female]Jugendfreundin {f}
years of one's youth [male]Jünglingsjahre {pl} [veraltet]
to be cheated of one's youthum seine Jugend betrogen werden
hist. Meeting of Europe's Revolutionary YouthTreffen {n} der revolutionären Jugend Europas
old flame of one's youthalte Jugendliebe {f}
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