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English-German translation for: warehouse
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Dictionary English German: warehouse

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NOUN   a warehouse | warehouses
VERB  to warehouse | warehoused | warehoused ... 
SYNO   storage warehouse | warehouse
comm. to warehouse
to warehouse
einlagern [in Lagerhaus, Speicher]
to warehouse
speichern [in einem Speicher lagern]
archi. comm. warehouse
Lager {n} [Lagerhaus]
Lagerhalle {f}
Lagerhaus {n}
Warenlager {n}
Depot {n}
comm. warehouse
Magazin {n} [Lagerhaus]
Speicher {m} [Lager]
archi. warehouse
Lagergebäude {n}
Warendepot {n}
2 Words: Others
comm. ex warehouse {adv}ab Lager
2 Words: Verbs
to re-warehousewieder einlagern
to warehouse goodsWare einlagern
to warehouse goodsWare lagern
to warehouse goodsWare auf Lager nehmen
2 Words: Nouns
automated warehouseautomatisiertes Lager {n}
comm. beer warehouseBierdepot {n} [schweiz.] [Biergroßhandel, Bierlager]
tech. block warehouseBlocklager {n}
bonded warehouseZolllager {n}
bonded warehouseZollspeicher {m}
bonded warehouseZollverschlusslager {n}
bonded warehouseLagerhaus {n} für unverzollte Waren
casket warehouse [Am.]Sarglager {n}
catalogue warehouseKataloglager {n} [Lager für Kataloge]
central warehouseZentrallager {n}
coffin warehouseSarglager {n}
cold warehouseKühlhaus {n}
cold warehouseKühllager {n}
consignment warehouseKonsignationslager {n}
customs warehouseZollverschlusslager {n}
comp. data warehouseDatenlager {n}
comp. data warehouseDatenwarenhaus {n}
comm. distribution warehouseVerteilungslager {n}
comm. DIY warehouse [esp. Br.]Baumarkt {m}
archi. comm. naut. dockside warehouseHafenspeicher {m}
field warehouseAußenlager {n}
furniture warehouseMöbellager {n}
mental warehousegeistiges Rüstzeug {n}
own warehouseEigenlager {n}
paternoster warehouse [esp. Br.] [vertical warehouse storage management]Paternoster {m} [ugs.] [Paternosterlager, Vertikalumlauflager] [Fördertechnik]
refrigerated warehouseKühlhaus {n}
ind. satellite warehouseSatellitenlager {n}
storage warehouseLagerhaus {n}
comm. warehouse aisleLagergasse {f}
warehouse bondLagerschein {m}
warehouse book <w.b.>Lagerbestandsbuch {n}
warehouse capacityLagerkapazität {f}
comm. warehouse certificateLagerschein {m}
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A 2015-09-14: Weinstadel > wine warehouse https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22wine+warehouse...
A 2015-03-06: "blocked stock warehouse" seems to be OK
A 2015-03-06: Nachtrag: "bonded warehouse" bezieht sich auf die Verzollung
A 2015-03-06: bonded warehouse
A 2014-12-28: salt house (then explain), or salt merchants' house, salt depot, salt ware...
A 2013-10-16: Trainee in warehouse logistics - one possibility.
A 2013-01-10: Does the warehouse comprise several buildings?
A 2013-01-02: englische Definition für “to hold goods for sales in warehouse or store“
Q 2013-01-02: englische Definition für “to hold goods for sales in warehouse or store“
A 2011-10-05: Lots of +warehouse logistics+ in the UK > warehouse logistics specialist
Q 2011-07-31: Just this moment, we have received a consignment at our warehouse that thi...
Q 2011-07-03: Give a feedback to our warehouse.
Q 2011-03-31: Context : product found in the warehouse
Q 2011-03-17: Your order and your back order will leave our warehouse tomorrow
Q 2011-03-14: warehouse tractor
Q 2011-02-21: The products will leave the warehouse today.
A 2010-06-15: At the conclusion of the contract, the general conditions specified above ...
Q 2010-02-15: All prices are ex warehouse
A 2010-02-15: All prices are ex warehouse
A 2009-05-29: I like "warehouse surplus"

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