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English-German translation for: washer
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Dictionary English German: washer

Translation 1 - 50 of 187  >>

English German
NOUN   a washer | washers
SYNO   automatic washer | washer ... 
tech. washer
Unterlegscheibe {f}
washer [washing machine]
Waschmaschine {f}
tech. washer
Beilagscheibe {f}
tech. washer [sealing washer]
Dichtungsring {m}
tech. washer
Scheibe {f} [Dichtung]
tech. washer
Unterlagscheibe {f}
washer [dishwasher]
Spülmaschine {f}
washer [Aus.] [facecloth]
Waschlappen {m}
constr. tech. washer
Beilagescheibe {f}
tech. washer
Unterlagsscheibe {f}
tech. washer
Mutterscheibe {f}
tech. washer
Wäscher {m}
tech. washerUnterlegblech {n}
tech. washerZwischenscheibe {f}
tech. washerU-Scheibe {f} [kurz für: Unterlegscheibe]
washer [washing system]Waschanlage {f}
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (distance) washerAbstandsscheibe {f}
tech. (spacer) washerAbstandsscheibe {f}
adjusting washerPassscheibe {f}
air washerLuftwäscher {m}
tech. Belleville washerTellerfeder {f}
bevel washerKegelscheibe {f}
tech. beveled washer [Am.]Keilscheibe {f}
print blanket washerGummituchreinigungsanlage {f}
print blanket washerGummituch-Waschanlage {f}
bottle washerFlaschenreiniger {m}
bottle washerFlaschenwäscher {m}
brew FoodInd. bottle washerFlaschenwaschmaschine {f}
brake washerBremsteller {m}
tech. buffer washerPufferscheibe {f}
tech. C-washerVorsteckscheibe {f}
tech. cardboard washerPappscheibe {f} [als Unterlegscheibe]
tech. cogged washergezahnte Unterlagsscheibe {f}
tech. compensating washerAuswuchtscheibe {f}
tech. contact washerKontaktscheibe {f}
jobs spec. corpse washer [female]Leichenwäscherin {f}
tech. countersunk washerSenkscheibe {f}
chem. cyclone washerWaschzyklon {m}
chem. cyclone washerZyklonskrubber {m}
chem. cyclone washerZyklonwäscher {m}
dish-washerGeschirrspülmaschine {f}
dished washerTellerfeder {f}
tech. distance washerDistanzscheibe {f}
tech. fan washer [short: fan-type lock washer]Fächerscheibe {f}
tech. felt washerFilzscheibe {f}
tech. felt washerFilzunterlegscheibe {f}
tech. fibre washer [Br.]Fiberunterlegscheibe {f}
tech. flat washerBeilagscheibe {f}
tech. flat washerUnterlegscheibe {f}
engin. tech. friction washerReibscheibe {f}
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Q 2023-05-31: to run the dishwasher / washer / dryer / dehumidifier / etc.
A 2019-10-21: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/property/0/7-best-washer-dryers/
A 2019-10-21: Washer dryer
A 2019-10-20: washer dryer, washer dryer combo, all in one washer dryer
Q 2018-02-01: Dog washer
A 2016-09-26: Washer?
A 2012-12-12: washer = laundry machine = Waschmaschine?
A 2011-03-15: Blue discoloration could come from corrosion of a copper or brass washer or
A 2011-02-08: no, to the head : Washer ist selbständig, bezieht sich nicht auf spherical
Q 2011-02-08: spherical nut and washer
A 2010-01-15: Please note that the black rubber ring must be installed together with the...
A 2010-01-15: ...that the +coloured+ washer is to be installed along with the black rubb...
A 2008-08-06: I think it is an e-clip - a kind of lock washer
A 2008-06-18: Includes a nut, bolt and washer
A 2008-04-10: UK: http://www.google.at/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ade-DE%3...
A 2008-04-10: windshield washer fluid heater (Am.)
A 2008-04-10: I would call it a washer bottle or screen wash reservoir,
Q 2008-02-26: and both it and the arm fixed by the nut and washer;
A 2008-02-22: heatable windscreen washer nozzle
A 2008-02-22: heatable washer nozzle ....

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